Finn is Four

 Finn is fiercely four.  He wakes up, swift in his ruling of what is tolerated and what is inexcusable.   The biggest offense is any idea that wasn’t his.  Right to jail. Thank you next.  It’s common to make it through the first hour of the morning with anywhere from 1-6 meltdowns over various things. This boy loves structure and it takes him a while to ease into changes.  It doesn’t matter if the change is in his day or simply observing a change in one of his family members. It’s met with a lot of resistance.

Finn is very independent and very determined.  Chores melt him into codependency so complete you’d think he wasn’t capable of moving without your unwavering support. No buckle, food prep, scissor task, package to open, or puzzle has melted him like being asked to pick up a toy.

Finn loves to play, wrestle, be silly, burrow in blankets; he is so consumed in the pursuit of fun he can have a hard time listening to others consent.  If he is bored or not getting the attention he hopes for he quickly turns to bugging and doing things he know he ought not to for entertainment and attention.

Finn does not like to be comforted when he is disregulated. He dips into shame very quickly and demands solitude.  He wants no words or eye contact until he comes out of it.  He’ll usually let you know he’s ready to interact again by finding a blanket or toy to hide his face and slowly approach you. If you try to come to him with validation, comfort, or words of support he will escalate in screaming and out of control feral behavior. 

Finn loves one on one time, so long as you play by his rules.  He will tell you about his day and become frustrated if you didn’t respond with the script he had in his head.   He does not like spontaneous anything unless it was his idea. He has very little chill.

Finn calls hearts 'loves', he calls his clothes his 'dress'; he doesn’t like family movies and is the embodiment of rambunctious. He loves structured tasks like building, apple picking, scavenger hunts, listening to songs and looking at books. He is obsessed with colors and how they can mix together to make new things.

Finn feels deeply and wants everyone to be okay and taken care of.  He is concerned when others are unhappy, and he is very quick and sincere to say sorry when he isn’t in a rambunctious mood.

Finn sings, my gosh, how this boy sings.  Whispered, screaming, softly, beautifully. He has good tone, and a memory for lyrics. He is swept up in a new melody at once, demanding it be played til it’s as tired as over worn shoes. 

Screens are very hard on Finn, just 30 mins can send him into a day long battle of intense reactions to everything. We call this rotten brain, and it’s been a hard thing to navigate as knowing giving him a show as a babysitter will most likely mean the rest of my day will be spent in consuming meltdowns.

Finn thinks everyone he meets is there to be his friend and star in his show.  He doesn’t understand why every dog and every human doesn’t automatically want to be his playmate. He is sweet, and strong, determined, and unbending.  We love our Finn boy.  Happy 4!



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