Myra is 5 months old

 Mooie.  She's simply sweet.  She learned to roll back to tummy this week, but still doesn't know how to roll tummy to back, so she essentially beaches herself all day long and is very sad about it. 

Myra loves to be enveloped in heavy blankets with thick texture.  It's a happy hack we just recently caught onto.  If fussy, lay her down, bink her and grab a heavy blanket to smoosh all around her.  She lays happily and within a few minutes will be cooing through her bink as she strokes her blanket nest. 

Myra likes to giggle at balloons and her siblings.  She loves to nurse, but never wants to nurse to sleep.  She loves her naps. She still loves to be held chest to chest over my left shoulder as we bounce the grumps away.  She loves her bath, and loves to scratch at Damon's beard.  

She rarely seems satisfied with nursing but is very clear she does not want to start solids. She likes to burrow in my armpit and is wary of strangers. 

She is just a squishy bright eyed lover. 


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