Myra's 11 month update

Rolling into 11 months is this jagged toothed, demanding, rolly polly creature.  She attacks eyelashes, pulls hair, devours graham crackers & blueberries and screams in excitement at her siblings and music. 

She is a baby of earth, happiest on bike rides, exploring 'flowers pretty', and pointing at everything she wishes to examine closer. 

She is expanding her social circles, leaving behind the mere tolerance of Damon for full fledged like. She will willingly go to him out of my arms and only regrets the choice 50% of the time.

There is a deep seeded love for small stuffed animals in her pudgy heart. Ceiling fans are a common topic of discussion and lights have never failed to fascinate her, in any climate. 

Her vocabulary is limited to 'brush', 'Mama', 'boob', 'Dad', and a handful of inconsistent signs.  She can understand so much of what is spoken to her and respond fluently in grunt, growl, rawr, and shrieks.

She is currently trying her hand at throwing her body while screaming incoherently. It's a high stakes trust exercise that she likes to pull out during diaper changes, before naps and any other inopportune time she thinks we may be caught unaware.  

She flirts with sleeping through the night but is not committed to the practice. And we recently took away her sleep sack as her little closet is starting to get hot as the spring weather tries on summer temperatures.  

Myra has decided that this is the month she will allow me to set her down while awake, but only if she can cruise the furniture or eat a snack.  Her body's abilities can't quite keep up with her mind's desires so she usually prefers to move about the world in my arms or the chariot known as her stroller. 

Myra loves silliness, food in variety, throwing things, dancing, snuggles, her blankie, her binkie, her siblings, water, bath time, babies and experiencing new things wrapped in the safety of her parents arms.

A day in the life of 11 months Myra:


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