Oh, the places you go! Oregon!

Our REALLY big adventure this summer was going to Oregon. My dad lives there, I visit every once and a while.  It is always a treat because... 
1. Dad bends over backwards to make sure we have a good time 
2. My dad is really funny and so fun to be around 
3. Dad is probably one of the most selfless & kind people I know. He does so much & never complains. 
4. I just love my dad! 
To top it off Damon had never spent time with that side of my family. I mean, the extent of Damon's contact with my dad was cold calling him to ask for my 'hand in marriage.' As if that wasn't nerve racking enough, my dad had just finished a marriage counselling session when Damon called. (Dad is a social worker and a therapist) So Dad was in super charged marriage advice mode!  Other then THAT & the wedding mingling this would be his first father in law experience. So this Oregon trip was highly anticipated.

I had to separate the grumpies! Just kidding they weren't grumpy, we all had a really great time.

We hiked Multnomah Falls...was a little bit crowded....

You have probably seen this before, pretty popular photo op!

The crowd luckily thinned out
once we passed the top of the
 waterfall. There are all
sorts of pretty places up above the
end of the popular hike to tromp
around on. Even a few smaller
waterfalls higher up. 

When we were little, and it was warm enough, we would drive halfway up the highway to Canon beach and visit this really cool swimming hole. Not too many people know about it/use it, there are frogs, salamanders, fish, & awesome rocks to jump off.  
Like a boss

Damon was a little timid the first...five times

My step mom getting splashed
Felipe's awesome dive
One time we camped here and got busted for having a campfire in an un-designated area by the forest service. My step brother is autistic and can be off a little socially. He charged the forest ranger (he was probably 6) and we all thought he was going to punch or bite her but instead he insisted a hug haha!

Of course we had to go to the beach! Was really nice weather for Cannon beach. Got a bit of nice photography done while the sun was going down.

Lauren and Felipe!!! These guys are the reason Damon and I got married. Damon & Felipe were roomies. Felipe married my sister & they had Damon over at our house for game night one time. The first time I saw Damon I thought to myself. "who's that bald guy..." then went downstairs and called my boyfriend. Our relationship has moved leaps and bounds since then...Damon and mine...not the boyfriend...
Leaps and bounds people!

The girls!...and dad...

Don't be fooled by this picture, I DID have fun

This Bike Ride was the best!! Miles and miles of straight down hill! & a cool bridge to boot!  Found a lovely patch of blackberry bushes toward the end.  Good way to build up our energy after miles of wrestling the wind at our backs.

CRABBING...sort of.  We rented the boat to ride around the bay and cruise over the wakes of legitimate crabbers. It was a lot more fun then it actually sounds. We were treated to a feast of fresh crabs afterward. 

It wouldn't be a real Oregon trip without a stop at the Tillamook Cheese Factory! Free cheese samples, squeaky cheese, divine ice cream & the cheese van.  I once got stuck in the cheese van after little miss Lizzy let out a pungent fart.  worst cheese van experience ever.  I guess what can you expect though, after so many cheese samples...

We closed our trip with a camping trip. Rafted along this lake and played in the water. Was a bit chilly, but that's Oregon!  At the end of our camping expedition we took a raft down some rapids for a couple of hours. SO FUN!

Gotta love me some Oregon visits. Thanks for making it so great Dad!!


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