1+1=3. OH yes, this is happening!

November 27th 2012...

                            Damon and I found out we were PREGNANT!!! 

One day before our 7 month anniversary. So, I was late on my period...as in only a couple hours late of when I normally start. I am never late. On top of that I started sobbing over some goldfish crackers...so I figured something was up. With the encouragement of Damon's sister the next day I took a test. I went into work to clean the office as usual. After I cleaned I took Duh duh duh, the test. It was all I could think about while I was cleaning.  
            I didn't really feel like it was going to be positive because lets be honest almost every month since we got married I feel like I'm pregnant and then every month I'm not. Not that we were trying. Just knowing it was a possibility I think was messing with my mind. But this time my period was mischievously late. So, I did the little test guy and within no time two little lines appeared. Positive!  I just kinda looked at it for a bit then started smiling and shaking.  NO WAY...So I grabbed ma' pee stick and went to Damon's work. Never has the drive over there been so long. I just couldn't wait to tell him. I was excited and nervous and feeling a little surreal about it all. 
            Damon had been working a grave shift so showing up on the door step I think he was a little bit dazed. I was too because someone else answered the door and I wanted to ask if Damon was home, but I couldn't remember my husbands name. haha. Anyways, Damon finally came to the door and saved me. I just held up the test. He looked at it for a minute with no real expression. Lame. So, I told him we were pregnant. He pulled me inside and kept hugging me and smiling and saying "Good job honey!"....whatever that means...but he was really excited. We were both dazed and nervous but mostly giddy!
           We both had to get back to work after a few minutes, so we discussed how we weren't going to tell anyone, save a few close family members...Damon didn't believe I was capable of this...with good reason because I was not. As soon as I got to work I told everyone.  We are like family there so it was so hard not to. Also told ma sister, Damon's sister, ma dad, ma brother, my step sister in law, ma aunt, my old roommate & buddy, ma mom & her hubby...I was outta control. Almost told the random patients I worked with that day.  How can you keep a secret like that.  We decided to wait til Christmas to tell Damon's family because we'd be spending it with them.  So hard to wait!
       However, this coming from a person who can't keep any of her good news a secret...I mean anything...Our engagement, presents I give to others, surprises I have planned...I just get so excited. BUT if I could do it again, I wouldn't tell anyone about the pregnancy. Well maybe two close, CLOSE friends/family members as an exception.  Because since the surprise has begun to settle in I've become SUPER paranoid and worried about losing the baby. We weren't planning on being pregnant for a few more months. So at first I wasn't sure if this timing was the best. But now I am completely in love with the little pen point cell thing inside me and just want it to be healthy and strong and come into our family. I'm only 4 & a half weeks ish and so that's still really early and considered in the danger zone.  Which many people are quick to point out, followed by horror stories.  Not my favorite, and I'm sure not Damon's either.  ALSO, people will ask me how I'm feeling, aside from some slight nausea and feeling extra tired I'm doing great...still super excited. Well, don't worry because instead of being excited with me, they seem to try to convince me to not be so excited because pretty soon I'll be fat and in pain and beyond belief tired and hungry...ext ext...really...you don't think I know what pregnancy is.  Let me be excited, I'll deal with being miserable when and if that's how this pregnancy is.  ...should have waited to tell people...
            Damon and I watched What to Expect When You're Expecting  & went to Baby's R' Us to pick out a cute gender neutral outfit.  This was our Baby date plan we had planned a while ago. Decided we would do it the day we found out we were pregnant. I found about 50 boy and girl specific clothes that I fell in love with...Damon helped us stick to the plan though and we found some cute onsies...not AS cute as gender specific...but oh well. We will have lots of time to get those. 

December 18th
             7 Weeks! 
            Holy cow I am Sleeepeee! All the time. And don't worry, I am no longer excited to feel nauseous. Horrible dreadful feeling.  Also what's up with this wanting to eat ALL the time but EVERYTHING makes me want to barf.  Ma boobs are huge and hurt.  I must admit though, I am still just thrilled at the end of the day that I felt so miserably pregnant. Because that's one more day I know ma baby is growing inside of me. 
          We set up our first doctors appointment, qualified for WIC, and Baby your Baby, now we are just waiting on Medicaid to get on board and we will be able to breath easy! 
      We are getting excited to leave this week and tell Damon's family the great news!



  1. Nausea is the most positive sign of a healthy pregnancy! Isn't that unfortunate? I have never been so happily miserable in my life...except those 5 times...well 4 times...because one of those 5 ...I was pretty much miserably miserable. Guess which one? Ba ha ha! (It ended well though)

  2. Thanks! We are super excited!! Luckily the nausea is starting to ease up! Hurrah!! Ps, I've tried and tried to use ma context clues to figure out who this is, but I'm stumped!


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