Didn't know about that...

          Damon and I were laying in bed feeling our little girl move like crazy as usual right before bed. Dame mentioned he had no idea we would be able to feel her as well, or as much, as we can.  (The past couple days she's upped the squirming at least double!  She's getting to be such a big girl!)  But man, there are soooo many things about pregnancy we didn't realize!  This post might get a little more intimate with information about my life then you want to know. So, if you don't wanna go there with me, that's okay.  You have been warned!

      Okay, and here is a disclaimer  I am having SUCH an easy pregnancy  I am so grateful that I am so healthy and able to do basically everything I did before. I am so so so lucky.  I'm not trying to complain, it's just crazy how many things I didn't know would happen with my pregnancy. 

        I knew emotions would be a little crazy pants. Thanks to plenty of movies and relatives.  It's weird to experience those mood swings myself though.  In the moment I know I am being just so ridiculous, but I can't help it. The tears come, or the flash of huge irritation at the silliest thing.  For example, Provo recently built a new recreational center for the community.  Damon and I went and toured it opening day.  As we walked into the water/pool bit of the center I seriously had to choke back tears. Couldn't talk.  They had a fun little water section for toddlers and Littles. It had little slides and stairs and a shallow beach like area.  I just imagined our little playing there and was in tears at the thought.  I also start balling anytime I think of Damon with our baby...Or see any man with their babies to be honest. Also I've balled over goldfish, water bottles, you tube videos of flash mobs, and again anything to do with dad's and babies.

      I've gotten a lot better at this, but keeping myself from getting dehydrated was SO hard at first. I had no idea I would need so much water! It was hard especially at first because I wouldn't feel thirsty, just start feeling really really crummy. By trial and error, and maybe a trip to the hospital, figured out I needed a LOT more water intake.  Bought a water bottle and just make sure I fill it up and drink it all 2-3 times a day. (p.s. before I was prego I hated water with ice in it, or even very cold water. Now I can't drink it without those little water cubes) 
    Oh, also,  Braxton hicks can come as early as second trimester. Started getting these when I wasn't drinking enough water. 

    food cravings is a lie, food aversion is more correct.

    Apparently, my boobs decided not to wait until baby got here to start leaking. Mean mean trick!  I woke up the other night and my boob was freezing! Couldn't figure out why til I woke up a little bit more and realized the giant wet stain. 
        I've always planned on breastfeeding, heard its a great way to bond with baby, usually easier on the little's tummy than formula, and cheaper!! Well, now that things are actually coming out of them, I'm a lot less enchanted by the idea.  I think I liked it better when they were more show than function. haha oh dear. 
    Also, its true, Boobs grow leaps and bounds! You would swear they are shrinking though, in contrast to my belly I don't think they've ever looked so small. 

   Another fun leak I didn't realize would develop...yep down there. Have never had to wear panty liners until pregnancy. 
     The first two trimesters I had pains, like period cramps, a LOT.  All the time. It really worried me, because everywhere I read online said feeling cramps was not a good sign, but nothing was ever wrong. I guess that's just the way I feel when she has her growth spurts. 

   I caught every sickness ever that I was around my first trimester. On top of being nauseous because of being pregnant I was just always always ill. It was miserable, but as crummy as I felt I just worried about the baby mostly. I worried she was feeling it too, or that she wouldn't be able to grow if my body wasn't 100% healthy. I also got nervous in the first trimester when I didn't feel nauseous.  I took the nausea as a sign that the baby was there and growing. 

      Bloody noses! lots of them. 

     I thought I would feel a lot more bonded with baby than I do. I thought when I was pregnant that I would feel automatically in love with and know my baby. I might not be explaining myself very well here. I really do already love her, its just in a different way than I had imagined. It's hard to put the reality of an actual human with the thing that moves in my belly. Things just feel distant sometimes, abstract. Damon thinks it's just because it's our first and everything is so new.
     After talking to Susan (my mother in law) and hearing how much she just adored her babies while pregnant it made me want to try harder to bond with little tummy dweller.  Susan mentioned how she could tell, in a way, the personality of her babies even before they were born. Idk if I know too much about this one, but here is a list of small things I know about her already:

  1. She loves music.
    • We've gone to plays, and concerts and during the songs she just moves like a little dancing ninja. She will be real still when I sing then start kicking when I stop.  Soooo, I'm assuming this means she likes it...
  2. She likes motorcycle rides (kicked like crazy the whole time)
    • don't worry, it was a slow smooth ride
  3. She gets hiccups at least every day. Most commonly 2-5 times a day. Usually after I eat, or when I change which side of my body I'm laying on.
  4. She likes visiting Grandma Sussie and Grandpa Joe.  Was moving around like crazy the night we got there, wanted to be part of the family convo I think.
So, it's not a ton, but it's a start!

 This is more of a recent development, but it's becoming quite the routine.  Restless leg, every night.  Some nights are worse then others, and it doesn't go away. Just toss and turn until I fall asleep. 

     My legs have swollen, but only twice and for maybe 10 mins then went back down. Apparently I can't sit for hours at a time without my legs putting up a fit.  
     My wedding ring is actual too big by a size, so we were excited to see if it would fit better during pregnancy. I super lucked out so far though, and haven't really had any swelling. 

     Stretch marks are tricky things. They give you hopes that you won't get them. Then they show up late in the game...with a vengeance. 

     Every once and a while I'll wake up with a small leg or foot cramp.  Never had cramps before. 

Ligament painespecially after sex! On the sides of my stomach to my groin. Sometimes it hurts so bad I have to lay on the bed for 2-5 minutes and can't move or breath too deep or I feel like my stomach is going to rip apart. Super painful!

    Logically you understand weight is good and big belly is better, emotionally its hard to keep adding clothes, maternity and non maternity to the hopefully will fit after baby bin. I didn't know the Weight Gain would be so rough to deal with.  Thought I would just accept it and understand it's all part of the prego deal. Instead I find myself pretty emotional over it. 

Bleeding gums, not much more to say there. 

 Well, that's about it. Just a few things I didn't know would happen, Some of them I had already forgotten about.  I'm sure it's not the end of the surprises. Labor will probably surpass this with surprises and things I had no clue about. BAH try not to think about that too much!


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