Little Rascals!

    For the past year I've babysat 3 crazy kiddos.  Jake is 6, Jessica is 4 and little John is a year and a half.  They are probably the most challenging kids I've ever spent time with, but I've grown pretty fond of them and they have come SUCH a long ways since I first met them.
      When I first met the kids quite literally Jessie and Jake could not be in the same room for more then 30 seconds without punching hitting and biting each other. I wish that was an exaggeration. They would both beat up on little John (6 months at the time.)  They were super bad a sharing, interacting, listening...They still have their struggles but They are growing up and have learned that is NOT acceptable. These little guys are constantly being watched by other babysitters and family members. That's got to be rough on them. Their parents are really cool and the sweetest people ever. They have been so kind and generous to me.  I really wish I could just be a fly on the wall at their house though when they are home so I can see how they interact with their kids.  Because the kids have a few really bad habits that I just don't understand how it's been permitted for so long. For example, Jessie does not fall asleep without screaming and throwing things for anywhere from 30 mins to an hour and a half. Her parents have put a lock on the outside of her door and just let her wig out til she eventually falls asleep. The inside of her door has chunks missing out of it and streaks of paint missing from all the things she's throw at it over the months.  Bedtime is an absolute nightmare.
      Since I've been super pregnant I haven't seen them as much.  It's pretty fun to hear about how much they missed me when I get there. Usually Jessie and John will have pulled up kitchen chairs to the front window and will be sitting there waiting for me to come.We have a lot of fun. I get to try out all the fun pinterest activities on them and we have definitely found a few favorites!
        One of our favorites is called 'Color Explode' we fill pans full of baking powder and I have some droppers full of food colored vinegar.  We drop the different colors into the pans and watch the reaction.  Jessie is so neat and captivated by this.  Jake gets messy pretty quick and bored with it pretty easily and he ends up just running his hands through the goop.
      Another favorite is Milk Coloring.  Again we bring out the pans, fill it with milk and then drop a few bits of food coloring in the milk. Then we drop a some dish soap in the middle of our color and watch the reaction. 
    We've done fissing balloons, made our own bubble makers, done lots and lots of crafts, made forts, had water balloon fights, fed the ducks...a lot!
     This last weekend we decided to make 'strawberry short cake cupcakes' Jessie's obsessed with her right now.  She did an amazing job pouring the batter into the cups and patiently decorating all the cupcakes.

John only licked the frosting until the sprinkles were off

He loved it...and the second bath. What a Treat all around

Jake wasn't with us that day. Just had the two littles


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