The daily scoop

   Little Indie is already 2 1/2 months, and we've fallen into a pretty nice routine.  
    Every morning Damon gets up for work in between 5:30-6:15.  It depends on how deep his desire to shave & shower is vs sleep.  Before he leaves for the day, he will come and kiss me, tell me that Indie is still asleep and breathing (apparently I would wake up enough to just say 'Indie, breathing?' He now updates me without the prompt haha) and that he loves me.  
              Indie will usually sleep in her bassinet until 7:00.  Then I'll pull her into bed with me til around 8. We snug and sometimes sleep.  Then its boob, diaper change, and day clothes for Indie.  I will either put her in her swing or kick and play while I get ready.  Depends on how tired she's acting.  If she falls asleep I snag a shower YAY!! If not I finish getting ready and help her fall asleep in my arms. 

 After this point everything 
pretty much goes to pot, as far as a routine goes.  Some days I'll try and get her to take naps in her crib or swing and it will majorly backfire, other days it will just backfire a little bit, and the majority of the days I just let her sleep in my arms.  But even in my arms its only a 30 mins nap before shes awake again. I'm hoping this Cat nap thing is just a phase.  Most days I'm okay to just hold her and let her sleep, while I watch Netflix or shows Damon's downloaded for me.  Let me tell you. I am getting SO bored of TV. 

          When Indies awake and happy we sing songs, do tummy time (she hates it), Talk about our day, dance around, play on the kick and play, walk around the house and look at all the things, go on walks (we've gone a total of three times haha. The constant hills are a little daunting my outta shape body), make lunch and sit in her bumbo, and have lots and lots of boobie time, diaper changes and pictures.  We've been breaking into our cloth diapers for a while now and that's been going great!  The only draw back is that we bought One Size (OS) diapers,
which means they will fit her from newborn-potty training.  This is assuming she's average size and age when potty training comes.  Anyways, These OS cloth are just a tad too bulky on her little body.  Putting pants on her is ridiculous.  They get so stretched.  So we've invested in lots of cute leggings and skirts.  If we are going somewhere where I want her to be in a specific pant outfit I will put her in a sposie. As she gets older the bulk will go down, but for now its not my favorite. 

        Damon will get home around 4:30 (everyday except Tuesdays. He has class Tuesdays until 6.)  We'll eat dinner, play with Indie, chat about our days... 

          Then 7 o' clock we break out the bath tub for Indie and she splashes around like crazy!  She loves bath time. It doesn't matter how grumpy she's been or sad, she perks right up and loves the water. Then pj's and Damon will give her a bottle and rock her to sleep.  While he puts her to bed, I do the laundry, dishes, make Damon's lunch, pump for Indies bottle the next day.  I like her getting a bedtime bottle so I know she's getting enough milk before she goes into hibernation mode. She goes down in her bassinet by 8.  Then Damon and I get some AWESOME alone time. Bedtime for us at 10-11, Indie wakes up at 1-3 for her night feeding, then again at 5-7...and then our day starts all over.  

Ps, fun story. This last Sunday we got to Church a bit late, and so we were sitting in the foyer along with ten rambunctious kids. They were screaming and running all around. Indie just didn't know what to make of them. Haha!  The original face was funnier, but we didn't get the phone out in time.  We were cracking up. She just wants to figure everything out! 



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