Indie, 4 months

         I am so in love with this girl. SO in love.  She is growing up so so fast! Every week I feel like she grows leaps and bounds in development.  I hear myself saying 'she's so old,' 'she's so big!' every day. Because it's true!! Every day she grows so much!  I know she's still such a little baby, and I know, I KNOW I am bias. But Indie is seriously so so smart. She's so so strong and I feel so blessed to have her in my life.  I'm such a lucky mommy to be a mom to such a sweetheart.    I am so protective of her.  I love just sitting there and holding her, watching her.  It's rare that she will sit still long enough to let me snuggle her. She's a busy girl. I can't imagine how much it will change once she's mobile. I'm going to miss out on even more snuggles. If you couldn't tell, I am just a huge fan of this little girl. Let me bring you up to speed on our sweetheart and how things are in the Hadfield home. 

 For the first time today little miss rolled from tummy to back.  Three times in a row.  Damon and I cheered and clapped like she'd just won the Olympics (Indie loves clapping and snapping, makes her smile every time) When we tried for number four 'roll over' she melted down a little bit. Haha, sorry baby, we were just so excited! Even Olympic rollers need breaks I guess! She is also trying so hard to roll from back to belly. Especially in her bouncer. For some reason that is her favorite rolling practice spot.  We've never strapped her down in her swing/bouncers...looks like restraints are now going to be needed. 
        Little bug is getting so good and hand eye coordination. she grabs things first try and moves them all around in triumph.  Of course the final spot is always right to her mouth.  But its so fun so see her grasping so improved. She's so good at it!  She is loving toys now.  Loves to move towards them and make them make noise. If they don't make noise, no problem, they are just great to chew on.  
  We think she's been teething for a long while now. Most likely her little teeth are just going up and down, waiting for the most opportune moment to pop up and terrorize us all.  Drool has been uncontrollable.  Which is a bit of a disaster, especially when she's tired. she wipes it all over her face. Her face gets so many kisses already that more spit is the last thing she needs on there. Haha. Her cheeks are just so kissable.
   Its a good thing Indie loves baths so much, because we gets loved on so much she needs them!  She's growing up so fast that she honestly should probably be in a different bath, but we have to wait til she can sit up better herself.  Love bath time with our little squirmer. 
 We are teaching Indie sign language.  Obviously right now, signing is more for Damon and I to learn the signs and get in the habits so when Indie starts picking up on it, it will be second nature for Damon and I. She loves watching the signing time videos and watching the other babies.  She will coo and talk with them.
  Indie is starting to laugh more and more. She has always been a smiley baby. Since her first day in the hospital she smiled.  And she has been doing social smiles since week one.  Indie loves to play and is an absolute joy.  She loves crazy movement and just today started laughing at her toys when we make them dance crazy.  She loves to touch mommy and daddy's faces and loves grabbing our hands and examining them. She is just a happy happy girl. I've never had her cry inconsolably. In all honesty, she doesn't cry often.  She more complains with her little baby whine. So cute. 
 Indie is a huge hand sucker. She will pop her passy out to suck on her fingers, even while nursing she will try to sneak in a finger or two while eating. A lot of the time this results in popping herself off the boob and sadness. Lol. she's so cute!  I'm so so glad she hasn't found her thumb yet. Don't want to have to break that habit!
 Indie adores her blankets. She loves to have one always to clutch and love on. When she is tired if you put her blanket against her cheek and giver her a passy she will snuggle into the blanket and rub her face into the blanket. So so precious. 
  As of late, Indie's been fussing and reaching for food as Damon and I eat. She tracks it like a hawk from our hand to our mouths as we eat.  She's getting toooo big tooo soon.  Feeding Indie has always been more of a challenge. It's taught me a lot of patience.  At first it was hard because Indie would be so sleepy and wouldn't have any desire to eat, then as she got older, it was hard because we were still getting used to breastfeeding and all the aches and pains that come from that. Then when we got comfortable with that Indie decided she loves the fact that she can latch and pull off multiple times in a row and smile at me or look around.  Making sure she gets enough to eat is hard work! I have a feeling solids will be no exception.  
Story time with Indie babe is still so fun. All of her favorite books are of animals. She has her absolute favorite. A huge board book with animals. Each page is a different animal with a patch of hair that is a different texture. She loves it.  She has yelped with glee and smile when I pull out her favorite book. So cute!
Indies finding her voice more and more each day too. She loves to squeal and make her 'puppy' noises.
       Indie is also really great at sitting up by herself for about 3-5 seconds by herself.
And OF COURSE my favorite thing ever is dressing up Indie so cute!  During my down time I love just skimming through websites and imagining buying all the baby clothes. I even put outfits into my shopping cart. Haha.  
   IT's daunting being a mother for a LOT of reasons. I just want to make sure Indie grows up loving herself.  I want her to know how much worth she has. I want to teach her how to be kind to other, I want to foster every talent she has and teach her how much Heavenly Father loves her. I want so much for her. I want her to be confident, happy, healthy. There is seriously not a thing I can think of that I wouldn't do for Indies benefit. She is my world. She has brought so much joy and happiness to Damon and I.  Every day I grow closer and more in love to this little person.  

I love my family. Absolutely adore them!


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