Lauren's Baby shower

             HOOORAAAAY!  This is probably my favorite thing to post about, ever! I am so excited.  I LOVE my sister. We are buds, through and through.   We love to visit and play together, we love quoting movies together, we love being 'domestic and mature' together. Lol.  We just love each other!  She is my best friend. She gets me, she gets our crazy family.  She can make me laugh like a crazy person, over the silliest things. We only live 15-20 mins away from each other, and its ridiculous, but that still seems far.  So very, very far.  
           When Damon and I got pregnant we were ecstatic, so excited!  It's a weird feeling being so happy and so sad about something at the same time. I love my sister, and I hate seeing her hurt.  At the time Damon and I got pregnant with Indie bug, Lauren and Felipe were trying to conceive.  We knew it would  be hard for Lauren to hear/see me being pregnant while her pain was so real and when we had what she wanted so bad.  I'm getting sad just remembering.  Here is her blog about her experience. 

    She was able to help a lot of people through her blog, although that was not the original intention.  I am so impressed with the faith and strength Lauren has and the endurance she showed though the crazy roller coaster of infertility.  But we are getting off topic.
             This is a happy post!  This is a celebration! Lauren IS pregnant and the precious little baby boy is almost here!! Due January 22.  We are all so excited and I was sooooo excited to throw a baby shower for her and the little man.  I can't wait to share crazy motherhood with Lauren. I can't wait to meet her little man.  I'm so excited for Indie to have a cousin so close, and I'll admit, Lauren and I do think about our Littles playing soccer together and playing together. Hopefully they get along! 
 I wish I had all the monies and could just buy all the things.  I love planning and (especially) decorating parties/events. So I was thrilled to put together Lauren's shower.   I probably could have made the cards a little classier inside. But my patience was wearing thin a bit.  My poor hand was having a hard time keeping up with the stencil.
All in all they ended up pretty cute.  Mustaches, why are you so great!? Love them!  The shower was super fun.  It was a bummer that it was so snowy that day. Made it hard. People had to come and go because of crappy road conditions, and a handful of people missed out because of the horrible road conditions. Can't blame them. Just sad they missed out on all the fun!  Lauren and I are just the funnest haha.

'Wet your whistle'  I showed the frame to Lauren before setting everything up and she was a little taken aback...'what does that even mean!?' haha

 Bare with me, I'm a little overly excited about the cupcakes...
cupcake paper

made a homemade peanut butter frosting.  Damon was ecstatic for left overs

three of them turned out super pro looking

okay I'm done now haha
Indie got all 'Dolled' up for a girls day.  She is my number one favorite thing to talk about, post about, think about, share...I'm so lucky to have such a sweet little girl!

Indie also got to meet my cousin Susan's baby 'Kaylee.'  They are a month apart. So cute!  (please  excuse my crazy pants shirt) 

 Looking back I'm super bummed I forgot to snap a picture of Lauren and her cute belly bump. She doesn't even have a single stretch mark yet! Good job lady! I'm jealous. Her belly is so so cute!  Lauren I'm sorry!!  Um maybe this picture from a month ago will semi make up for it? :(

I am so excited for you and Felipe, Lauren.  You are going to be amazing parents. Felipe is so great, he's going to be an amazing Dad and your little boy is so lucky to have you two as parents.  I am so so so excited to meet your boy and to hear all about your birth experience. You'll do amazing! Love you! 


  1. Holy cow I love this! There really isn't much out there that's better than having a sister. Move closer!

  2. Wow! You are such an amazing sister, and the shower looks fantastic! You did a great job for low budget!


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