Indie's First Birthday!

Our little Bug is getting so big! While her actual Birthday isn't until August 12th, we celebrated with family and friends this weekend. It's ridiculous that as I write this I am literally emotional, shocked at how big she is, and so proud of how wonderful our daughter is.  We are so blessed to have Indie in our lives and the first year has had lots of surprises, tears, joy, heartache, laughing and lots & lots of learning for all of us!  We love our Indie Girl!

Indie's Birthday!
Our Little Sunshine!

My Grandparents let us use their house as a party space, Which was so nice, as our apartment barely fits 5 people. 

Aunt Violet threw together this beautiful sign for us!

Blowing Kisses

This canvas was Indie's first art project!

A line of pictures from every month of her life.  I miss my tiny tiny newborn baby! She's so big!

Indie was so startled when everyone started singing happy birthday to her.  Her eyes got so big and her head was whipping around in all directions trying to figure out what was going on.  Damon helped her blow out her first candle and showed her how to eat her cake.  She didn't like touching the frosting with her bare hands, but we got her a fork and she went at it.  Half way through Indie wanted me to re clean off her fork, because it was too messy to use, then she had at it again!  So cute!

So good at sharing (ehhh sometimes) 

The aftermath.

Clean up!

Indie wasn't too into opening gifts, but she loved seeing all the new cool things.  Cousin(?) Jane helped show Indie how things are suppose to be opened, and that helped Indie feel so big and see what Birthday opening is all about.  Here Uncle Ian is pushing Indie around in her new shopping cart after all the gifts had been opened. 

After Gifts we went outside and had a silly string and spray bottle fight. Indie sat on the swings and loved watching everyone run around. 

Thanks for partying with us! Take home some sunshine to brighten your day!

I'd like to give a shout out to everyone who celebrated with us, whether they were there or not! We really felt the love and support & you all help Indie feel so loved and special.  As her Mommy it warms my heart so much to see so many people that love our Little.
Indie was a little sad when the party was over, she loves being with people!

It was an amazing day, Indie had a great time, welcoming in a whole new year for this sweet bug. Happy First Birthday Indie!


  1. Really wish we could have been there. Thanks for the cute invitation!


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