Kitties, Cookies & Ice baths

      One morning while Indie and I were playing in the living room we heard a tiny little 'meow.'  Indie looked up from whatever game we were playing, looked out the window and said 'Kity?'  (of course in her own Indie language This tiny kitten was scaling our window screen and meowing to come in. So, we let it stay and play for a bit.  It was Indies favorite day of existence. 

       Indie adored everything about this kitten and watching it do it's kitten-y thing. The kitten was so good with Indie too! Indie would pull it by the neck to hold it and the kitten didn't get mad. They would take turns following each other around. So sweet!

(kitten was safely returned home after our play date, with the help of violet) 

          I interviewed for a new job last week, and as I was getting ready Indie stayed by my side and put on make-up with me. She loves brushing the brushes on her face after I do. 

Love this girl

Also compliments of Violet, Indie had her first Chocolate pretzel from Trader Joe's (One of my all time favorite treats.) 

She died of happiness. This is the same face I make when I get Trader Joe pretzels. 

To clean up Messy-Mess we gave her a bath. (shocker) BUT used these food coloring ice cubes I had made for a birthday bath.  (which never happened until now because we got too busy)  She loved the cubes, chased them all round and stuck them in her mouth.  That was actually a win win because she's got some molars coming in. Ice prob felt great on them!


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