Indie is ONE







We had a special birthday breakfast and went out and partied with family all night! 

Indie loves to:

  • ...walk! this one came as a surprise to both Damon and I. Crawling took such a long time, that we just figured walking would as well. She's been doing steps here and there in between cruising for the past two weeks, but just two days before turning one she just decided walking is her thing. She's been doing 15-20 steps perfect and unprovoked.  She loves it!  

  • called a 'silly girl' when we are driving.  It's so funny. She will start kicking her legs and squealing then pause, I'll ask her if she's being my "silly girl?" and she'll respond with lots of giggles. So, on and on goes the cycle of hyper silly girl.  

  • ...blow kisses. (Although, the actual blowing doesn't really happen yet. She'll kiss her hand
  • ...try to put her shoes back on. She LOVES her shoes. Sometimes, she will grab a pair, come to me and sit in my lap, hand me the shoe then stick out her foot. If I take her shoes off, she will usually either try to get me to put it back on or try to get it on herself. 

  • ...snuggle. The older Indie gets the more snuggles she tolerates, from mom and Dad. She will seek them out now, and it's so precious.  She's always loved snuggling her blanket though. 

  •  Indie will grab a book, walk it to me and put it in my hand then crawl in my lap and sit so still while I read to her. Her favorite books are animal books.

  • ...push her shopping cart.
  •  She's really found her voice! She's constantly jabbering away.  She understands a LOT of words, and can say a handful too.  She says, Mama, Daddy, Kitty, Doggie, Fish, Book, Ball, Eye, Yes, This, No, and Baby. She also loves to grab any phone and have pretend conversations. 

  • on her stuffed animals.

  • me/ Aunt Lauren play with baby Phillip.
  • ...sit.  "if it fits, it sits" is pretty much Indie's motto right now. She is such a cat. She squeezes into the most tiny, uncomfortable things just to sit.  So silly. 

  • ...outside.

  • upside-down world 

  • ....the fridge. 
  • Baby Signing Time and sign along.  Indie will sign 'food,' when she's hungry, and sign 'all done' unprompted. She will do 'water,' 'more,' and 'thank you' with some coaxing.  

  • with kitties.  She's obsessed.
  • with balls.

  • chase.  Indie loves it when one of us will help her run around the house, while the other parent chases her and pops out at her and growls at her.  She doesn't like being caught, just chased.  Has her giggling like no other!

Indie hates
  • diaper changes.
  • getting her hair done.

  • being away from mommy.
  • not being able to communicate what she wants.

  • not being able to have cousin Phillips bink.
  • being told no.  I said 'no' to Indie for the first time a few weeks ago and she completely lost it. We hardly tell her 'no,' but each time we do it melts her down. Little tender heart. A few days before I ever said no to Indie I used a stern tone with her for the first time. She was being extremely unruly during a horrible poopy diaper change. like poop was getting on the wall, floor, changing mat, her legs, feet. Poop EVERYWHERE because she was fighting the diaper change so much. So, I lost my cool a bit. I looked her in the eye, and told her sternly (with a little anger) to 'knock it off.' She quit squirming, looked me right back in the eyes and mimicked my tone perfectly.  It was like she was mocking me! haha. It wasn't funny to me at the time, but afterwards it sure was! 

  • when big dogs bark right next to her.
  • being tired.

  • not being able to be on the computer. 
  • being left behind when mom goes potty.

One year down, so many more to look forward to!


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