The BIG bath tub!

        So, we are here! Our new apartment.  Slowly the boxes are clearing enough for us to realize how much we love it here! It is a size down grade, but we have covered parking, a big bathtub, amazing heat control, a huge kitchen (well by college student standards), and the location is awesome. So close to the freeway, and a million shopping excursions (mmm now all we need is money to shop with haha), and Damon is so close to work that the car doesn't even have time to heat up before he is there (love our first world problem.)  We still have to get a washer and dryer, and it's a little weird being this far from Provo, but all and all we are loving it.
         In other big news, anyone who knows Indie knows she adores her swaddle. Well, with naps still struggling like they have been we decided its time to try and break her of it, and see if that improved anything. Eh, naps still suck, BUT she's doing great without the swaddle! Sleeps through the night 7-8 and doesn't seem to miss it at all.  Yay! 
        Indie's just getting so big. 5 and a half months. We've started solids too. She loves them. So far we've done avocados (she loved the first time, but has hated ever since) and sweet potatoes (likes those) and bananas (her fav so far), but her all time favorite right now is water. She's obsessed with her sippy!  
         Right now Indie's having a little rough patch, going through a real grumpy phase and Damon and I just can't seem to make her happy. Boo. It's been hard.  We think she may be getting a tooth, so hopefully that's all that's going on.  The older bug gets the more we realize how smart (and strong willed) she is. She wants do to what she wants to do and the way she wants to do it.  I don't know where she gets that from! :/ Hopefully all the rest of the children take after Damon's temperament. A household full of Katelyn temperaments could get cray cray really fast!

        Indie has no desire to try to crawl, do tummy time or roll. Damon and I speculate she's developing so much mentally that she doesn't care much for physical milestones. She gets bored with activities really easy and wants new toys and stimulation all the time. I'm running out of means and ideas to keep her active mind engaged! (when in doubt we've learned stripping her and letting her play on a fuzzy blanket makes her happy for a little bit)
      She learned to roll tummy to back pretty quick (I think in order to escape tummy time.) So, we have been making her use a pillow so she can't roll, and to help take the pressure off her tummy. Well, she's also learned how to wiggle into resting on her side so she doesn't have to work those muscles too hard. The little stink. 

     In an attempt to entertain her little mind I pulled out the floating LED lights from our wedding to see if she'd like exploring them. 

She liked it, and so we tried this for bath last night.  LOVED IT!! 

She was just all over the place trying to catch them. Concentrating too hard on getting them to make a peep

She would try so hard to corner one, it would escape between her grasp and between her legs.  She'd bend over so far to try and retrieve it from her legs that she'd dip her head into the water. 

         She was able to catch one once, and got so excited to get it to her mouth she accidentally inhaled water instead of sucking on the light, which was a little sad.  Water came out her nose and she started screaming. After that she was a little less enthusiastic with the lights and just wanted to chase her duckie. 

Lights off was really neat!

She was a happy baby afterward!  It was so fun to have her entertained for so long!  I am so looking forward to having more crafts and adventures with her!

Ps. I'd just like to throw this out there, I adore frozen!!! LOVE the music. So good!
that is all


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