Light play

        As I've mentioned before Indie loves new things to touch, and lick, and bang, and listen to.  So, since we have a thousand boxes from moving, I decided to give our LED tea lights one more shot at a game.  She loved the light bath so much!  So I figured she would love a light box too. I cut holes in the side of a box and stuck the LED lights through.

I laid her mini Boppy in the box then turned off the lights and was hoping for the lights to work their magic. The 'magic' being that she would be entertained longer than 30 seconds.

 Ehhh, no magic was had! Depsite what the pictures may lead you to believe she only liked it for thirty seconds then got frustrated she couldn't get the lights to her mouth. 
So I took one down for her to gnaw, and then we were happy.  Magic was had. 

Another popular game, involves my craft bucket and a couple of left over wooden balls from a project.  We just dump the balls into the bucket and it makes loud bangs that she loves. But of course, our favorite thing to do is eat the balls.  Mostly I'm just sharing this bit, so I can share this awesome picture.

This.  She looks like she is preparing all the babies for battle. haha


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