Moving time....again.

       Our living situation has been slowly declining. We've been renting this small apartment from my Mom and her husband Tim. Now, before we go any further I want to be clear that even though the situation isn't the best for us right now, we have been very grateful to have been able to live here. It is big. Bigger than anything else we would have been able to afford. We were able to have air conditioning during summer and late pregnancy. Utilities have been included in rent. Another huge blessing, when Mom isn't using her car, she lets me borrow it for appointments. When I was going through my kidney problems, I was able to borrow my mom's car so easily for appointments, test and other what not. Where otherwise I would have been home bound. 

       Well, here comes the BUT. Mom and Tim's marriage is on the rocks right now and if things end in divorce they will most likely move. I don't want this to seem like all I care about is myself, because it's not true. I feel horrible for my mom and all the issues surrounding her situation. But if they divorce we will have to find another place to live. Which has been past due for us anyways. I also want to reassure everyone that I am not talking about anything about their relationship without permission. 

     Damon is a part time student and works full time. He works so hard and is gone literally all day.  He is an amazing provider. Love him. But the fact of the matter is that we pay out of pocket for tuition and anything else school related. It's spendy. I stay at home with the baby. We can barely afford rent here and its not our favorite apartment.

         Electricity in our bedroom hasn't worked in months. We don't have a key to the apartment, mom and Tim couldn't find it. So, we can't lock the doors when we leave. The bathroom has mold, and the toilet struggles to flush. Water pressure here is a joke. the ovens gas line has to be off whenever we aren't using it or the whole house smells like propane. Spiders are constantly parading though out house (one of them a tarantula with its babies on its back...Ya that was yucky) The heater doesn't work reliably. It's gotten into the 50's at night regularly. Indie and I have to stay in jackets, hats, or blankets all day. We borrowed two space heaters form mom. One for Indie's room and one to move up wherever we are in the house. We've been dealing with it because we can't afford anything else...can barely afford this. 

      Well, yesterday all the power in Indies room, the hall, and the family room quit working. I just broke down sobbing. We haven't been able to buy groceries since before Thanksgiving. Been literally living off WIC and the generosity of relatives and the holidays. We've been using cloth diapers with Indie too. To help with finances. But recently discovered that Indie hates them and has a hard hard time sleeping when in one. 

       I'm so tired of being cold and struggling financially. I take up babysitting jobs as I can from but the time I can work is limited with one car and Damon working/schooling from 6:30am-6pm. The location of our apartment makes it hard ESPECIALLY in the winter to have babysitting happen here. I am not opposed to getting a job, but with only one car, it's hard. We are trying our best. But it's not working.  I recently had to have surgery on top of everything to have a kidney stone removed. The bills for that have started coming in. 

      Just one more thing. Living here has been hard emotionally for me too. I feel so cut off from everything. Can't leave the house even for stroller rides. The apartment is against a mountain and the driveway is seriously so steep it's death in the winter. Can't get a car up it when it snows. I've been slowly slowly feeling more depressed and yesterday I feel like I've hit my breaking point.
       So, after the initial breakdown, started looking at apartments like crazy. We have 5 apartment showings tomorrow. Making ends meet will be a great trick. But we know we are surrounded by a great support system. Eventually things will work out. They always do. Right now it's just a little hard! 


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