10 months

We are coming right into 10 months in style!  Got a big announcement.  Not only does Indie have 5 teeth (all of which are nice and strong, SHARP too. I can personally attest to that) BUT also we have a crawler!! We were able to get her very first crawl on camera.  So excuse the annoying mom in the background, we were pretty excited!  Love her little leg kick in the air when she thinks shes still on the ground. 
We are coming into lots of new phases with this one.  One, that is totally throwing me, is that Indie has developed some stranger danger.  To couple that, she is also coming into an ubber mama's girl phase.  She will, on occasion, even cling so tight and cry real tears when Damon takes her.  Not all the time, but its definitely a shift in what we are used to. 

Indie's trying so hard to say Uh-Oh!  Whenever I say it Indie will watch then copy the exaggerated movement of my mouth. 

Indie's not the biggest fan of grass, or new textures touching her feet.  So, her compromise is to have one foot up to cope haha!

This is 'her spot' she loves to stand here and tare apart things, turn on and off the play station. As well as, this past week or two she has reallllly started to love dancing here.  Well, here and anywhere else there is music or she is happy. (YES she really does do a happy dance!) Anytime Indie hears a song she dances. Dances with her hands clasped throwing them up and down. Dances rocking back and forth, swaying, swishing her wrists. It's adorable.  I was actually rocking her with her bottle the other night, and singing. As soon as she heard the lullaby, she threw the bottle to the side sat up and started busting out her moves. 
She's such a happy girl! Admittedly though, we've been entering a rough phase. Little grumpy more than normal. 

Indie throw a few signs here and there. This one is 'mom' and sometimes 'water' 

We have also entered the phase of 'I will feed myself or starve!' We've always tried to let her do as much finger food as possible. But now she wants the spoon too.  If we do, by some miracle, get the spoon past her flailing octopus hands she just spits the food back out, grabs it up herself and puts it right back in. She wants her independence!  But, at least she will sometimes pull that food right back out and offer it to me. She's a sharer. 
Love this baby girl!

I haven't been able to get this one on camera yet, but Indie has a huge cheesy excited face.  She closes her eyes real tight open her mouth as wide as possible then smiles. LOVE it. 

Bugs is supper into clapping right now. Which yes, also includes clapping on Dad's bald head!
It's so silly, but Indie is definitely a spirited explorer. To such and extent that when we are at church (especially in relief society) I can't help but wonder how the heck the other moms are keeping their children so...docile.  Indie refuses to sit on your lap when there is uncharted territory to explore.  She does not play quietly at your feet.  She will not sleep if there are fun people to look at and other kids to scream a happy hi to. All the other littles were so...church appropriate. My baby was getting ugly looks from some of the elderly sisters.  Which of course spun me into an imaginary dramatic argument with them.  I don't want anyone to squish her spunk. She wasn't being inappropriate... Keep your meany looks to yourself...or I may just sick my wild child on you, disgruntled sister. 

She loves her feet being involved like hands. Here she is holding her sippy with them. She often tries to great animals and smaller babies with a high five...kick...with her feet. 

Indie loves to play physically. She loves being chased, thrown, roughed around. So silly little one. 

She was helping me do some make up...and helping the mirror.  

I can't believe how big she is getting. Just two more months til a year.  I can't help but remember when she was so tiny tiny and I couldn't wait until she was bigger. True to form some days, and for some moments, I wish I just had that itty bitty baby back. 

Indie is a water baby through and through.  She loves swimming, splashing, walking through the water and kicking. 

Love those eyes!

 Just chilling on her pony. 

This is how she wanted to sit in the swing... as you can maybe tell from her face, it was not the funnest. Granted though, she is pretty stoic about swinging. 


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