Father's Day


Happy first Father's day Dad!  

Every morning when I wake up, first thing I do when I leave my room, is zoom off to your computer chair to see if you are there. You're my best buddy. I'm so happy when you're there!

DAD! (Mom went a little picture crazy, so forgive this post if it's a little 'D-A-D' repetitive)

I love when you walk me around or play peek-a-boo with me when I'm in the high chair. You make me giggle (which can be very hard to do.)

I love you!

 Dad!  I love that you bathe me almost every night and read me lots and lots of bedtime stories. I love our special time together, even if I get a little squirmy and fussy sometimes. 

 Dad! I love that you let me bang on your head. It makes me happy and smile when I'm frustrated. I'm so glad you're my dad!  I save a very special smile just for you when you come home from work.

I love that I look just like you, a Hadfield through and through!

 Dad!  I know I'm so special to you. You take such good care of me.  You even sing me songs, I love it!

You work so hard to buy me pretty things. You love to spoil me. I love you.

 You change my diapers, even the stinky ones!

You rock me so sweet and snug me so tight when I let you. 

You help me explore things and let me do things on my own.  I love that you still stay close by me.  I love knowing you're near. 

You are my one and only, my big brave hero. I'm so lucky to have you as my protector, provider and best buddy.  Thanks for being you, so sweet and so caring. and even though I can't quite say it now, you're my one and only dad!  And I love you!


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