Animal weekend

This weekend was just great fun!  We took Indie to feed the ducks for her first time. She, of course, loved it.

There were a lot of bread bits that Indie and the ducks fought over.  Lesson learned...bring Indie her own snack next time.  Doesn't matter if you made sure she was nice and full before going, with this little one, there is always ALWAYS room for more.  Silly Mom. 

We also went to Thankgiving Point's 'Farm Country.' I was so ridiculously excited to have her ride the ponies.  Here we are waiting in line.

She loved watching them walk around. Later on in the day they even hooked up a cute little hyperactive donkey to the pony ring.  Indie (and I) thought he was hilarious to watch.

Checking out the saddle.  She really wasn't too sure of what to think.

but she stayed on like a champ...albeit very stiff and sporting a concerned face. 

Sometimes we enjoy things a lot more than she does, but it was fun! So excited to take her back when she's a bit older!

Indie has an obsession with touching everything with her feet. Little monkey. This cow was the sweetest, it licked her toes and she just giggle and squealed.  She kept trying to get closer and out of her stroller.  No fear this one (unless of course you stick her on a pony, in which case, little bit of fear)  We also got to milk a cow.  Which was a first for me. 

This week and a half old goat was the highlight of the day.  Indie got to crawl along after it and pet it and squeal it to death.   She absolutely adored it.

We took a horse drawn wagon ride.  Not her favorite. She was a little frustrated she couldn't reach and touch the horses pulling us. Apparently little ponies are scary but huge stallions are no big deal.

At the end of the day we let Indie crawl around in some grass and explore while we sat back and wondered how far she would get before being anxious she wasn't next to us.  She never cared. Just kept crawling.  Some younger kids walked passed her and all crowded around her and petted her head saying 'hi cute baby!'  Just like she was another one of the cute barn yard baby animals to pet and look at. Haha!  Indie thought it was great. 

We also made a stop to our favorite Ikea! Indie loves to get into the kitchen cabinets and rummage around. Obviously. It's what babies do.  Anyways, we are locking up all the cupboards and drawers except for one.  That one is Indie's kitchen drawer. She LOVES it.  Makes it so nice and easy to do the dishes while she bangs away on the bounty we found at Ikea. 


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