Indie update

       Six months! We made it, you magical being, six! I remember looking on the 6 months mark with envy when Indie wouldn't nap or sleep, or wanted to eat boob all day. 6 months means solids which stay in her belly longer, mobility is beginning and independence!!!  We can start sleep training (I should say its more socially acceptable to sleep train... we jumped the gun by about a month and a bit) I'm sure there were more reasons why I looked forward to 6 months, but that's about all I can remember.  

6 month Indie

      I suppose we also got started on solids a bit earlier.  I was going to wait til 6 months, until at Indie's 4 month appointment and the doctor said she was showing every sign of being ready. Damon just got wayyyyy too excited, didn't help that Indie eyed our food like we were starving her.  So far we've given her sweet potato & sweet potatoes fries, acorn & butternut squash, avocado (her first official food) lemon peppered chicken (This is her absolute favorite), pears, apples, bananas, rice cereal and tastes of olives, black beans, celery, and I think that's it? 

She really likes to feed herself.  Gets so excited when we give her finger food on her tray, and also tries to hijack the spoon when eating. 
She gets really impatient sometimes, but has found out that if she wipes her face on the highchair tray and gets that food that seeped onto her chin and cheeks onto the edge of the tray, she can then lick it off and get more food. Waiting .3 seconds for us to reload her spoon can be very upsetting. 

          It's hard to get Indie to laugh, unless its super high energy. If I'm not hyperventilating by then end, I'm probably not going to get any laughs out.  She can be really stoic and observational too. Getting her to smile is my favorite though.

     She will sit by herself if I sit behind her (not supporting her, just moral support I guess.)  As long as she doesn't realize I'm not sitting behind her we are good to go.  She's rolling tummy to back, but hates back to tummy and has only done it a handful of times.  She just barely learned she could scoot and move on her belly yesterday. But she was pretty pissed about it, so I doubt crawling is anywhere close.


 Lorax is still her number one favorite and only thing she'll watch.  She goes through phases of which parts she squeals with delight at. So cute!

I've mentioned a lot, I feel like, already how much Indie likes new games and stimulation.  She loves babies and children. She loves getting out.  She is party-social-loves a crowd-baby. 

She no longer loves her favorite book. Quack Quack. She used to smile and squeal when we would bring this book out. Not anymore.  Makes me so sad.

Naps are two steps forward one step back. No pattern. Ugh. But she is sleeping through the night! Goes down anywhere between 7-8 and sleeps until 6-6:30. So that early morning is a big 'boo.'

        She is starting to get a little bit more fussy with bath time. which is sad for us.

She discovered her feet and loves sucking on her toes

She is a SCREAMER! She just barely started babbling little bits here and there. Mostly just sequels and shrieks like no one's business.  Her first actual sound was DA.  Woohoo!

 We go on stroller rides almost everyday for anywhere from 30-1 hour. She doesn't make a peep the whole time. Just sits still as a stone and takes it all in. 

Believe it or not this is a persons house.  We discovered it on a walk. 

Chrisanne got these little baby boots from China for Indie girl haha!

We just love this girl!


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