
          Lauren had her baby! Huzzah!!  I get overly excited about things when it comes to Lauren. May sound creepy, but its true. I just love her so much I want to be included in all the fun things! Sometimes it comes out in really hyper or overbearing ways, and sometimes it results in really whimsical decisions. 

       Example of an overbearing hyper way?  Now, I am NOT proud of this, and now that I'm married I die to know I intruded upon this moment for Lauren and Felipe when they got off their honeymoon. (We are talking like less than an hour home, and in their brand new first married apartment)  I came over and opened all of their wedding gifts with them, helped them unpack everything, chose where everything in the kitchen would go, and then when night time came I literally sat IN-BETWEEN them on the couch while we watched a movie.  Just tickled to bits with all the excitement.  How was I so clueless?!  I've since been mortified that I was so thoughtless and oblivious.  I wish a thousand times they would have just kicked me out!  But alas...   Can I just say SORRY!!!! one more time!?  ugh.  

     Well, when Lauren had Phillip, I also found out I had shingles and needed to stay away from the little guy til they cleared up. Just to be safe.  SO HARD.  Maybe Lauren and Felipe were secretly relieved that I couldn't insert myself into that special family moment too.  It was the pits for me though.  I just stayed at home all hyper and cooped up excited for the little man and for Lauren and Felipe.  I ended up making all the things!  This is an example of Whimsical hyper...

         I made big ones for Lauren and Felipe and little ones in honor of baby Phillip, then a couple of days later.....
        I was at the store for fabric to make Indie some curtains and then this happened.  I'm lucky Lauren helped me know what fabrics she would 'hypothetically want'

     It's going to be a sad day if we ever don't live close.  Inserting myself into her personal space will be a lot trickier.  HaHa, sorry Lauren!  Maybe if you were less great and I was a little more aware of others...hopefully one day ONE of those things will change...Congrats again!  You are going to be an amazing Mom!


  1. Haha I love the story of you being at our apartment! It's going down in the history of great stories. And I love love LOVE Phillip's car seat cover! He is just so lucky to have you in his life :)


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