Headbands for Indie

     So, a few days ago I decided it's high time to try making Indie some headbands.  Now I'm addicted.  I LOVE THEM. So easy to make and I think they are adorable!
     I needed nylon to make the ones I wanted, and go figure, I have zero tights or knee highs to repurpose. So we took a trip to target.  (Notice the lack of headband and don't worry. We make up for it later!)

She was so big riding in the cart, she quickly became obsessed with 'helping' us push the cart though. She was just a shrieking with delight and perusing the whole store....like the little target shopper she's bound to be.

Anyways, got the goods, got to work and became obsessed.  

out of those guys came these guys:

These last few I made so I could add alligator clips to them...But they look fab without. I think I prefer them without.

Okay, here's the real cute stuff though.  Took Indie to the park for her first time and she was just stylin! 

First time on a swing. We had to fight tooth and nail to get the ONLY baby swing for miles around...literally. Come on AF...lame.

She liked watching all the other kids more than swinging.  And Don't be deceived by her face. She did like it!  She's very stoic and observant for the first fifty times we do something.  She has to understand and take in everything as much as possible before she smiles or laughs.  Unless you're another baby, in which case she will instantly love on you and shower you with smiles and happiness.
Side note, She's terrified of bubbles. The first time we showed them to her she was very enthralled until they popped...then you would have thought she was dying for all the screaming terror that came.  She's not afraid of anything...except bubbles.  We've tried reintroducing them many times. The only change is that now as soon as she sees the container she starts crying.  

She loves playing with this ukulele. This child ADORES music...even if it is out of tune.  

Watching the other kids.  She kept shrieking with glee at all the other babies when we were on the jungle gym and literally scaring them with her excitement haha. 

Snack time

I know those were all kinda the same, but I just loved them all so much I couldn't choose.  Also, a great thing about these headbands is I can make it really thick and scarf like or thinner.

Showing off her other headband to dad. 

park round two

Not sure what to think about Damon taking her picture...

decided she liked it!

Just kidding, not sure again...

First time feeling the grass

Didn't want to leave the park.

Our little bug!!


  1. I saw these on clearance at target yesterday but didn't think of them for crafting! SO CUTE!

  2. Thanks! I love them! Some materials were definitely better than others but they really were so easy!


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