
Indie's dreams came true. We were out and about all day long, socializing and eating. I don't think she could have been happier.  I don't think I could have either.  

Madison invited us to meet up and play at Carter's with her little guy and MacKenzie and her little guy.

Safe to say Indie could barely contain her excitement.  And I apologize for all the pictures. She's too cute. 
(I'm not really sorry)

             Indie hijacked Clay's stroller at Carters annnd hated it. Little Miss likes being held too much. Good thing she has indulgent parents...  She absolutely loved seeing the 'boys,' tried to talk to them and rip off their faces in all the excitement. I hope she keeps her love for socializing! It makes it so fun to take her places.  Although, I do hope she grows out of the face ripping stage...

Her hand kept racing to pull the glasses off.

            All six of us were starving,  Indie had her first official fast food meal. She LOVES chicken, and water...And everything else she can get to her mouth... 

                   She came home and crashed, But only for a bit, before Lauren, Felipe, Phillip & Ian came over so we could go on an Ikea adventure. So glad Damon was able to come home early to join in the fun!  Ian moved apartments and needed some new goods for his new place! So, naturally everyone had to go with him haha.  

Nothing better than Ikea dinner!!!

Indie had her second 'meal out' and first baby food jar.  Ian is so good and cute with her!  She adores him. 

Precious Phillip boy

Damon found some plates....and I found Indie a great hat... Indie's just so lucky to have such funny parents...You can tell by her amused face.  We're awesome. 

Not the best, but it is the first cousin picture!!!
Indie took a two and half hour nap today to try and catch up from her busy day yesterday. It was HEAVEN. 


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