7 months old!

Happy 7 months Indie girl!

        Here's what going on over here in our house, more recently know as 'Indie universe.'

  Indie's favorite snack- anything that fits in her mouth!  Plus cold cucumber slices and as many puffs as her little hands can handle in one fatal swoop. She still adores solids more than I adore eating...like for real. She even gives Damon a run for his money. 

We have a tooth!  The bottom left is just peaking up, and its little buddy to the right is cutting through as well.  It is shocking to feel it when trying to get all those inedible knickknacks she discovers.

       Probably my favorite new thing Indie's picked up on is hugs and kisses.  SO cute, but she's very stingy. So when we do get one, its so super special!   Indie loves high fives... not so much giving them or getting them. BUT if you put your hand up and say high five she sure gets excited, then looks around like, now what?  It's hit or miss whether or not she remembers to high five you back.  Last new thing we've got going, Indie now reaches for the people she wants to go see, and will turn away and cling to the person she's with if you try and take her when she doesn't want to leave.

Indie 'hugging' one of her favorite toys.  One of her favorite spots right now is her crib. She loves playing in it, playing peekaboo through the bars and kicking on her mobile.  We've had to start turning off the power to the mobile, or else she wouldn't nap.  It was a little sad the first time we did that. She just yelped and frantically kicked the button again and again. Probably so confused as to why her 'friends' weren't coming to life.

When Indie gets so excited she just can't handle it she shakes her head 'no no no' and almost like rhythmic hums...?  That may sound a little bit mental in writing, but in person it's super cute...trust me.


While Indie's is no longer afraid of bubbles, she is now irrationally afraid of the word 'MOOOOOOO'  Makes her cry this horribly sad and pitiful terrified cry. (I don't have any terrified crying pictures...these will have to do)

      We made the switch from boob to formula a few weeks ago. That made me a little sad pants.  Indie's weight has always been low and the ped was a little concerned she wasn't getting enough (him and me both, she's always been a fickle eater.) Since switching to formula Indie's naps have improved SOOO much. Hurts my heart. She was probably just too hungry to sleep longer than 30 mins.  She's now sleeping an hour-and-a-half to two hours, twice a day. Makes for a happy baby and a happy mama!

         Here's a little ode to my time breastfeeding. Might be more information than you want so feel free to pass up and continue reading about my beautiful child!......
         Breast feeding is hard.  So much harder than I ever could have known.  Indie, through a bad latch, detached part of my nipple withing a week.  So, it stung and bled and just hurt hurt hurt so bad all the time.  Let alone to feed her.  I couldn't stand anything touching my chest. It's going to sound cliche, but not even air.   I would cry sometimes knowing Indie was hungry again, because that meant intense pain.  Keeping my nipple from getting infected took lathering it with cream after Indie ate, then washing it completely off before feeding her again.
       As I mentioned before, Indie's always been a fickle eater. She never cried out of hunger. I'd have to wake her up to eat and it was so hard to keep her awake.  I was constantly offering the boob and trying to convince her to eat.  Some days she would just flat out refuse boob all day.  I can't even explain the amount of responsibility and stress I felt knowing I was my babies main food source and I couldn't convince her to want to eat.        
        SO, quite literally my whole day was breastfeed related. whether tending to retardo wounded nipple, trying to convince indie to eat, and actually getting indie to eat a little. My nipple, at least, gradually got better It healed and breastfeeding finally became an experience I didn't dread and hyperventilate over.  About the same time things finally turned around I went through the whole kidney stone ordeal. The pain, stress, and drugs from all that dropped my supply and I struggled to keep up...Then we had some family issues and drama and ended up moving then I got shingles and my supply just kept dropping.  It got to the point where I couldn't feed her. I couldn't even pump anything. For weeks I was pumping for 20 mins after every feeding, doing fenugreek, making lactation cookies (mmmm cookies, that wasn't too bad!), taking Pero, Gatorade, lots of water!!!!!  Didn't help.  It was SOOO time consuming and stressful.
          So, even though I terribly miss that connection with Indie, it was the best choice for everyone's sanity.  I'm still shocked at how expensive formula is though! Like, what the....I feel like things like babies eating should be a given...but those prices are anything but doable for young families...lame. PRAISE WIC!!  Anyways, that's that chapter in our life...

          I'm a little sad that she Indie shows no interest in crawling.  Putting her on her tummy still results in a major meltdown. She knows I'll carry her where ever she wants to go and get her whatever her heart desires. So maybe that's a little enabling.  But I'm all about enabling my 7 month old.
       She is so curious about the world around her and wants to be into everything and be included in all the things.  She's learned how to turn on and off the play station as well... Damon's less than thrilled.


      She also doesn't babble, no 'dada' 'baba' 'mama'  just grunts and shrieking...and rhythmic humming, which I promise really is cute! Don't be creeped out!

         I just adore this girl.  I love her more everyday and am so excited to watch her grow up and already sad thinking about all the hard times she's bound to meet as she grows up.

Ps, this dress is proof that she is growing up like crazy... this was her in this dress at 1 month.  Needless to say, the dress has been retired. 6 months of use is crazy for baby use!


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