
Indie's second Halloween. We definitely had a lot more fun than her first, but She still didn't quite grasp the whole, trick or treating thing. Shocker right?  

   This is Indies favorite spot. She will sit here as I get ready for the day, to brush our teeth, and in this case, to get her face painted. Lately she has been super interested in watching me put on make up, I've started giving her a little lip gloss every once and a while and she sits so still and just soaks it all up. You can tell she feels so big.  So, putting on her face paint was a breeze, Indie sat still and watched me in the mirror. 

She liked being a kitty!

Then it was outside to face time the grandparents in different states. 


Still obsessed with dandilions, even as a tutu kitty.

 One proud mama, I wish every day was Halloween. Dressing up Indie is so fun!

 And we are off, to go trick or treat to family and friends. Blankey had to come with. Always.

 Great Grandma & Grandpa's house

Surprise Phillip Monkey!!!

Indie didn't like getting candy in her bucket.  If we put anything in there, she would crouch down, throw it out and then be on her way.  She spent most of the night with the bucket on her head, and was completely thrilled about it. 
 This was sad for me, because I was planning on just eating all of her left over candy. (so basically all of her candy) but she wouldn't let anyone give her any. Lame. 

 We went to Five Guys with Lauren and Felipe, then parted ways and went to visit Ben.  Indie became fast friends with Ben's Mom. It was pretty low key and a pretty awesome Halloween!

Lauren and I also threw a Halloween party the week before Halloween. We had a great time!

We played a few games, Guess how many candy corn, Find the hidden spiders, and group up teams for my favorite game of the night, Marshmellow chopstick pick up.  We all had a blast.  Here were the game prizes. They were my favorite to make!

 Can't wait til next year! WE LOVE FALL!


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