Potty Zoo Celebration. A Potty-Zoo-bration!

    Potty training's begun (and I feel like we've conquered it, if I may be so bold)! I feel like Indie's been ready to stop diapers for a while now, but I was not ready! I wanted her out of a crib first. So she could get out of her bed in the mornings and night if she needed to potty.  (I didn't want to deal with Pull up's if Indie could handle the potty training processes without them.) I also wanted to wait until I was done with my first trimester. Because nauseous...!
       Anyways, we bought Indie's toddler bed a little over two weeks ago and we grabbed some undies for her too whilst we were Walmarting.      
       Indie adores her new big girl bed. She was hyper happy the whole time Damon was putting it together, and as soon as it was all assembled, Indie about died of happiness.  She took one look at it and said "oooh Daddy! Working hard, make a big girl bed for Indie! Thank you!' Then she laid down on it and said "it's beautiful!"  I love that her first thought was to thank Damon for his hard work, she's such a sweetheart!  Her first night she did amazing. I watched her slowly fall off the bed once, but she stayed asleep. Damon and I died laughing. 
     Damon went in to get her off her bed the next morning, Indie had been awake for a while, but still wouldn't get off her bed. She was starting to try to reach out for toys while still not leaving her mattress. Too cute!  It's been about two weeks now, and after naps and nights Indie still won't get off her bed until we come and get her.  She's very obedient! 
        Anyways, after her first night in her toddler bed, Indie found the undies and insisted on wearing them. We let her try it and she had no accidents the first day and woke up from nap and night time dry.  So we went full swing into potty world.  
       I underestimated how frustrating and exhausting it would be. It took her a couple of days to be okay with pooing in the potty and took almost a week before she started telling me when she needed to potty, instead of just going when I said or having an accident.  Right now she's completely taken over the processes and pee's and poo's in the potty without reminders.  She's a rock star!  We started a potty sticker chart. (More because it sounded fun to me than Indie wanted/needed it)  She's filled it up in no time and we went to the Zoo yesterday because of it. We were all pretty excited!
       Little side story before the Zoo-tastic pictures. I took Indie to a park far away from potties and we ended up staying longer than I had anticipated. Anyways, Indie learned the joy of squatting next to a tree to pee. She thought it was the coolest thing. She squeezed out the tiniest of tinkles two more times just because it was so fun.  Now that shes discovered the emergency tree potty, she thinks all tree's are okay to potty on.  That's been a bit hard to explain to her. 
       I can't believe how big Indie is.  She's such a joy!

          The ZOO!  We talked up our visit and why we were going, A LOT the days leading up to Friday.  We told Indie how proud we are that she's listening to her body and being such a big girl by going in the potty.  We talked to her so much about it that when you asked her why we were going to the Zoo she would respond 'Indie pee pee in the potty fill up a sticker chart GO TO THE ZOO!' Then she'd throw her hands in the arm and say 'Woohoo, Yehaw!' Then she'd list off that she wanted to do there: see the animals, ride the train and go on the Merry-go-round, all in one very high pitched frenzied breath. Too exciting!
         So, when we saw Friday was suppose to be rainy and thundery all day we were a little bummed.  But, no way we were canceling after making it such a big deal. We packed our Rain-mageddon gear and off we went!  
         The weather turned out great for the most part, it was chilly and we had a few showers on and off. 

We started off the Potty-Zoo-bration with and honorary bathroom trip!

I loved her Rain-mageddon boots!

Look Indie it's a baby owl! (no, it's an adult)  Look Indie it's a baby adult owl!  The Zoo worker reminded me a lot of my step brother who has Autism.  He didn't allow me to say anything cute to Indie about the owl for the sake of incorrect information. No baby owls who are silly and NOT females, for us. 

Baby Elephant had to come see the animals as well! 

She was holding her baby elephant here telling it and showing it the 'big mommy and daddy' elephants. 

 She really wanted the front of his face to be a slide and was a little frustrated we wouldn't let her slide down it. She would be one of the first toddlers to suffer a death or injury due to dinosaurs...sorry, you can't slide down its face!

The Carousel!!!!  
 She wanted to ride the elephant so bad. We ran like the wind and claimed it! Shove down other children! No time! But she did! NO TIME! (that one's for you lauren)

Riding with Daddy! (It started raining a little heavier here)

All of the animals seemed REALLY active. I wonder if they knew the storm was coming. Indie loved to pace with them. 

Braving the pre-sprinkles of Rain-mageddon. 

 Sometimes knowing how you're suppose to hold an umbrella is a hard thing!  Please don't try to show her, apparently that is very offensive.

She asked to see the Polar Bear a lot.  Which surprised me. It was the only animal she requested and we never see or talk about them. I wonder if she remembered him from our last trip. 

Rain-mageddon began after this picture! Thunder started going off and we zoomed on to our car. Luckily the real down pour didn't start until we were putting our Stroller into the back of our car and we were all Zoo-ed out!  Driving home was a little scary, because indeed, it was Rain-mageddon.  We had bits where on the freeway we lost all visibility for seconds, and the hail was so loud that it made Indie plug her ears and close her eyes!

 Our car decided to remind us of its mortality and overheat really quickly as we were going home. Dramatic rattles and everything.  So we stopped at Chick-fil-a and let Indie play at their play place while George was in a time out, to cool down and decide if he really wanted to be high maintenance and break down or not. Anyways, this little girl kept bullying Indie. It's ridiculous how quickly you can dislike a random 3 year old when they're making it their mission to make your toddler cry. After a couple mins of this a little 5 yr old boy came into the play place and started lecturing the girl and her friend. then took Indie under his wing and gave her his toy and took his sticker off his shirt and put it on her nose. He stayed close by her the whole time he was there. Can I betroth them?! So sweet!!

It was a great day, and we are still coddling George hoping he won't fit and break down on us.  Drama king....


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