
I love fall! I love all the fun activities that are so plentiful all over the community, and the cool weather.  It's the start of all the fun holiday seasons, it really doesn't get much better than that!  We went with my Dad and some siblings to Cornbelly's for the toddlers to enjoy.  

It was so fun, don't get me wrong, but my goodness SO crowded and very hot. Not fall weather at all!  Also, if you know me, you know I hate shaving.  It really is a rarity, and at Cornbelly's they had reserved parking for ladies who hadn't shaved in a month.  Normally, I'd be all about that! But I shaved for the first time in, forever and we had to pass the spot by.  The one time not shaving would have come in handy. Not a holiday season miracle at all. Boo.  I would have parked there, hairy and proud just 48 hours earlier. But anyways, enough about that. Here's Indie being adorable. 

 Indie's finally starting to like slides again, but will only go down on her belly and uncoaxed. 

Pretty self explanatory, we had a great time and Indie was in heaven. SO fun!  Here's Cornbelly's last year. 


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