Estelle is one month

        Estelle is one month old! (Already!? Whaaaaaa?) Tis true.

          When we first brought her home I remember being anxious for time to pass. I just wanted to know her already.  She was so new. I didn't know how she liked best to be comforted, how she'd like to sleep, eat, what certain cries meant, what her temperament would be.  I forgot how unnerving the 'getting to know you' period can be. Well, one month in and we have a pretty good handle on this sweet little baby.

         Estelle is not as feisty or as fussy as she had us believing she might be when she first arrived. Guess she was just telling us off for the early eviction. She is a very easy going baby. Which, semi is just the nature of a newborn, right?  It's easy to be deemed 'easy going' when all you do all day every day is sleep. 

         She does have a bit more of a fragile tummy than what I was expecting. (Indie had no qualms to what I ate.)  I have to pay attention to what I eat and watch Estelle for a reaction. We learned the hard way after a miserable night and day of Estelle spitting up constantly and being too unsettled to sleep.  Gripe water is our friend! She eats about every 3-4 hours during the day, and will nurse anywhere from 5-15 minutes, usually only taking one side. I'd say her normal is more of a 7 minuet feeding. (Indie was the same way.)

          We had a hard time with nursing at first. As Estelle wouldn't latch, and when I could get a good latch she would just sit there for a while then pull off without sucking. For the first few weeks, when she wouldn't latch even though she was hungry, we'd give her a bink and let her suck on that for a few seconds then bring her back to my boob and she'd (usually) latch great. So, not really nipple confusion, more like, she just forget to suck or how to eat.  She'll still do this at late night feedings, when she is sleepy. Which is frustrating because while I work with her to remember how to eat, milk drenches both of us. 

          She also likes to talk, but only when hungry and only when close to my boob.  Otherwise, when awake, she is just bright eyed and observant.  She loves lights (of course) and I have to battle the window's and light fixtures for her attention. She has such big eyes.  I love it.

          She started to set a more consistent night pattern this last week. Although, last night she was extremely congested, and didn't sleep at all. So, who knows if the pattern will return.  But we were putting her down around 9/9:30,  She'd sleep til 2:30/3:00 then sleep til 6:00 ish. Then I'd cat nap with her til 7:30/8:00. Not too shabby. She's skipped the 2:00 feeding before, I'm hopeful that behavior will continue. More sleep please! 

       She loves to sleep chest to chest. That has always been the quickest way to soothe her. Especially if you have her on your chest and are walking around. The ring sling we have for her is basically her heaven. Which is good, because, second child. I need all my hands!  (and I hate putting her down if I can help it)  Indie wouldn't fall asleep if you were sitting and rocking her. She HAD to be rocked while you stood. She still is like that. If she gets hurt or needs snugs, she won't accept any comfort unless you stand while holding her.  It's refreshing that Estelle isn't picky like that. I can sit and soothe her! It's the little things. 

       Estelle loves to be snuggled and held.  She loves to have her hands around her face, at all times.  She likes to twirl her hair with her hand.  She is starting to see the merits in bath time.  She loves a clean diaper.  She likes to grasp things and hold them tightly. She likes to look at big sister (unless of course there is an interesting light fixture to stare at. No contest. Lights for the win.)  She social smiled at me a handful of times today.  Which is a first. She's been throwing out sleep smiles and laughs, but today was the first, undoubted social smile. Too precious! 

             Estelle doesn't protest too much.  She used to cry during clothes and diaper changes.  She doesn't seem to mind anymore, she's getting complacent in her old age. 

          Indie LOVES her Baby Sister.  She loves to sit next to me and repeat whatever endearing thing I'm saying to Baby Sister at the time.  She showers her in hugs and kisses and wants to hold her. Often.  She gets diapers, throws away diapers, helps wipe, swaddle, calm, sings, shushes, and just adores the crap out of Estelle. Indie has yet to have a negative reaction directed to the baby.  She did regress with potty training for a week or two, and has been acting out a little from the shift in attention.  Overall though, she's been amazing. I'm so proud of her, and it warms my heart to see the love and adoration she has for Teeny One. 

      Estelle has the teeniest tongue, beautiful long fingers and toes, and big eyes (aforementioned.)  We just love her and think she is beautiful.  She goes by Estelle, Stella Bear, Baby Sister, Teeny One, Stinker, Honey, Baby, Little One, Stellie, Steller Stu, and Sweetie. 
(Indie calls her Cutie pie, which isn't an endearment Damon or I use, so it's pretty cute to hear Indie use it.)

Happy One month Stellie!

...continue on for a smattering of random photos....

*If you made it this far, might as well check out what Indie was like at one month!


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