Estelle's Baby Blessing

On May 14th, at our apartment in Idaho, little Estelle Violet was given a name and a blessing.  We had lots of family come join us to celebrate the arrival of our new little one, and participate in the blessing. 

The day before the blessing Indie and I were busy preparing lots of yummy treatsies for everyone.  Indie really did try to help, but couldn't keep the yummy dough and fillings out of her mouth once they touched her fingers.  We did several back to back hand washes until I finally gave up on her participation and just gave her scraps to eat. 

The Portus clan, Dad and Ian arrived later that evening. It was fun to get together and play!  
Phillip was loving on Estelle. 

Papa David with all his grandchildren. This picture makes me a little sad.  Indie & Phillip have always been the babies. Look how big they are.

See? Look how tiny they were! This was the weekend of Phillip's baby blessing.

This is the morning of Estelle's blessing.  So snuggy in her rock and play. The past few nights she's been doing 7 hour stretches at night.  I REALLY hope this behavior continues! 

This picture is 'Classic Dad' to me. I feel like almost all of us have pictures of him playing with us like this as babies. Cora was loving on him and trying to walk. 

 For example, here's Dad with me 23 years earlier, I'm 16 months old.

Dad treated us all to a breakfast at Golden Corral

The kids were all in heaven.  Cora especially. So cute, the little chunk. Indie felt so big, copying Lauren and sharing bits of her food with Baby Cora.

Lauren showed the two 'big kids' the chocolate fondue fountain.  In the time it took Lauren to show Indie and Phillip how to cover a marshmallow with chocolate, both toddlers had devoured their marshmallows.  So, they were both resupplied and delighted by the new addition of chocolate.  It was a hit.  

   We then went home and started cleaning up and cooking some more for the blessing.  Estelle got all dolled up.  This dress, Guys, this dress! I've been oogling it for months and months. Ever since we found out we were having a little girl. The week of the blessing came and I was still dying over it. My aunt Violet decided Estelle must have it and bought it for us.  SO generous.  It is perfection. The prettiest dress that ever dared to be a dress. 

Sometimes the ruffles ate her a little bit.  Worth it. My only regret is not having a nicer camera to capture her beauty, and the ruffle engulfment, with.  I feel like the pictures don't do her justice.  One day!

The blessing was beautiful.  I'm so grateful for the power of the priesthood in our lives and in our home. It is such a priceless comfort and power. 

Some of the things Estelle was blessed with:

To always feel love and the support of her family
To have a sound body and spirit
To be able to develop hidden talents and share them
That through her example others will see and remember the savior
To have a love of books, and do well in academics
To have the companionship of holy ghost
To be a peace maker in our home
To have compassion
That through her love others will feel the love of  the Savior
To have a good work ethic 
To marry a worthy young man and and have her own family 
She was blessed with a cheerful countenance
To brighten other's days

Damon and the girls. 

Grandpa Great holding his 4th Great Grandbaby. 

Being a fluff ruff is rough work sometimes. 

Grandma Great made this beautiful blanket for Indie's blessing.  Stella was blessed in it as well. 

Play time! Baby Cora, the happiest baby on earth, and PhePhe playing with Grandma Yvonne. 

Indie was obsessed with baby Cora. She wanted to hold her and mauled her all weekend.  Lauren and I couldn't help but laugh, as Cora is basically the same size as Indie. Even though she's almost 8 months and Indie's almost 3. 

Grandma Soozie time. Papa Joe was feeling a bit under the weather, so he didn't get any baby time. Poor guy.

Grandpa Great with all 4 Great Grand babies. The kids were good sports with all the pictures. 

Estelle and I

Getting some love from Aunt Cara. 

Daddy snugs.  She looks so relaxed. 

He's so tender with his little girls. So special. They're lucky to have him. 

All of the Cumming's kids & spouses and babies. 


A random Costco trip.  Every time I put Indie in a two seater shopping cart she tells me the other seat is for PhePhe.  I love her smile her. It's the best uncandid smile she's ever done.

Papa David at Church

Indie and Phillip have a brother and sister relationship.  They drive each other to tears and meltdowns half the time, but adore each other.

Super Dad.

What a special weekend for such a special little one.  Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate!  We loved seeing you and showing off or snuggly Stella Bear.


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