Eastern Idaho State Fair (aka The flip off fiasco)

I'm a little late in posting this.  We've been busy!  Mostly because I've become engrossed in a new craft project.  It's been all consuming! I'm not good at pacing myself in anything. Once I decide to do something, I do it obsessively until it's finished. However, this new craft project is a marathon, it's forcing me to think about maybe pacing myself.  Mostly because my house is a complete mess and frozen dinners are starting to get old. 

Anyways, we did go to the fair last week, and it was a blast. (Especially for Indie.)  

Parking was a bit of a fiasco. We drove around for close to 15 minutes, trying to find a spot. All the while Indie kept asking why we weren't just going to the fair already. She was more exasperated with each repeated inquiry. Apparently parking is not a pertinent step to a 3 year old. Go figure. Eventually we found a place to park. A great spot in fact. It was shaded and within a block or two of the fair. We had to parallel park into this heavenly curbside locale. No big deal.  Damon turned on his blinker and pulled forward to the car in front of the spot so we could ease right in. As we were backing into the parking spot this douche car behind us sped up and pulled in, completely cutting us off.  I don't think I've ever been so enraged in my life. I just kept glaring at their tinted windows in disbelief. I really wanted to flip them off.  Damon and I sat there for a second or two stunned before pulling away, allowing the stupid tinted window black car to start parallel parking like we had. 

Just a block and a half up the street we found another spot and parked there.  I was still venting my anger and exasperation as we unloaded the babies and the stroller.   As I was pulling one of the babies from the car, that stupid black car passed by us, full of college aged guys all looking and laughing.  I glanced down the street, to be sure it was the douche car that stole our spot. Looks like they couldn't manage to parallel park in that spot anyways.  While they were still looking I rushed to flip them off.  The jerks!   However, I never flip anyone off, so in my rush for them to see, I accidentally threw up two fingers and had to consciously struggle my one finger down to make it a perfect middle finger. Then I held it high. One finger in the air, and baby on my hip,  (parenting win.)  Not one of my finer moments. My anger in response to them taking our spot was definitely not proportionate. 

It supplied lots of conversation on our walk to the fair entrance, then was quickly forgotten as we enjoyed watching Indie ride rides. 

As usual, Estelle was a Bucket Baby, and so sweet and happy about it.  She's such a good age to be carted around everywhere. 

Indie's stoicism at its best.  Every other kid was screaming, laughing, giggling or smiling. Indie looked bored beyond belief. 

With so many people all around and Indie's growing independence we spent the day talking about what to do if she's ever lost, who's a safe person to approach and what to say to them.  She loved talking about it and pointing out all the mommies with kids at the fair whom she could go to if she were lost.  

Sharing the stroller. Estelle is such a good sport. Poor little squished baby. 

I love this picture of their little legs. 

 We had a great day, and everyone was exhausted as we walked back to the car.  We passed that spot that we had originally tried to park in.  To my horror, that tinted windowed black car was parked there.  I realized I had clumsily flipped off a completely random car full of college buddies just having a good time.  Sorry guys!!


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