Estelle's 5 month update!

          This has been a good month in the way of sleep.  I really don't know if Estelle's sleep is getting better or if I've just lowering my expectations so much that it seems better. Either way, I'm finally coping well! We took away Estelle's swaddle to help her learn some self soothing tricks.  She has learned how to put herself back to sleep, and does so on occasion. Although, she still has horrible nights.  Maybe that's dramatic to say horrible, but Indie at 5  months was taking good naps and sleeping through the night. So, Estelle being up every 2 hours at night and having a hard time with naps feels pretty rough in comparison. 

         Sadly our normal night right now seems to be a 4 hour stretch then every 2 after that.  I want to think that Estelle would have been a better sleeper had she not have been so sick so often when she was super teeny. But who knows. All I know is I'm sick of being so sleep deprived. 

          Estelle likes to throw herself when shes unhappy or tired, and likes to kick as she is falling to sleep or into a deeper sleep.  

            Stellie loves to grunt and play.  She loves to have you gnaw on her belly and tickle her thighs. She isn't a laughter though. She will squeal and chatter happily at you, or growl like a little bear cub, but a belly laugh is really rough to get out of this baby. 

         I feel like she's been teething for ages, with all the chewing, tongue moving, drooling and chomping she does.  No teeth yet though. 

          Estelle loves to scratch things, and she loves her blanky.  Her blanket is a big comfort item. she will wrap it around her fist and suck on it as she's falling asleep or pull it over her face.  She is obsessed with nuzzling her face in it.  I often have to go in once she's fallen asleep to move it away from her face.

           Estelle likes to stomp her foot and beat her arm up and down when she's feeling playful. She also loves mirrors.  I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Estelle loves to smile. She's so happy. 

           We haven't officially started solids, but we've given her a few things to taste and suck on as we are going about our day. She's had carrots, black beans, fries, and yellow bell pepper.

               I'm often surprised by how aware Estelle is of her surroundings. As a 1-2 month old she would fuss when I would leave her line of sight in the grocery store.  This month, Damon and Indie were rough housing while Estelle sat on my lap nearby. Estelle quickly became worried and started whimpering. I told Damon Stellie was getting stressed out and that they needed to stop. Indie didn't get the memo though and jumped on Damon, causing Estelle to start crying.  Damon and Indie stopped and tried to help Estelle be happy. Damon wrapped Stella up in his arms to try to comfort her but she was very worried and pouty lipped. Poor little tender heart. 

         Estelle is also starting to experience some stranger danger. 

               Estelle doesn't cry often, or easily. She will fuss and complain. However, if I have to change her diaper at night she screams and cries hysterically. Like I'm ripping her heart out. 

            Stellie is trying to roll from back to belly, and gets closer every day to actually making the flip. 

             Stellie Squeals when she is happy or tired. They are extremely high pitched and loud. It's cute and ear splitting at the same time. 

             Estelle has got some of the greatest grump faces around. She is so extremely expressive with her eyebrows. 

         Her flat head is finally getting less and less noticeable. So, that's really happy for all.  

Indie adores Stellie and I am constantly blow away with how helpful she is. Not just pretend helpful, but actually helpful. She gets me things, helps Estelle when she's grumpy,  is so tender and perceptive of Stellie's needs.  Estelle adores Indie and loves to watch her play.  Indie gets the most laughs from Estelle.  I love how they love each other. 

          All in all we adore our squishy.  She's so sweet, fun and loving.  She loves to interact with the world around her and is getting more and more fun.  Once sleeping through the night happens (or doing more than a 4 hour stretch) the real fun can begin!

Nicknames this month: Stinky, Baby Sister, Stellie, Stella, Bear Cub, & Hi-The-Baby.

Photo dump:

Sometimes being so lovable as squishable is exhausting. 

 Estelle wasn't feeling well, so I was nursing her in bed one lazy Sunday afternoon. Indie jumped in with us and Damon snapped this picture. It's one of my absolute favorites. Look how sweet they are. 



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