Elk Camp 2016

We went up to the cabin for a bit so Damon could go hunting with his family.  Look how handsome and mighty they are!  It was cold, and rainy off and on the whole time. They trooped on though!
 The boys jumped deer and elk a few times. Damon even followed a couple of cows for about 10 minutes hoping it would lead to a bull, but no go.
Even though Damon didn't get anything besides a cold, which is now making the rounds in our house, he had a great time. Hiking through the meadows and mountains with his dad and brother is always a good time. It was his first time back hunting since his mission. Here he is peeking in on Indie after a morning hunt.  He's so handsome! 

The girls and I had a grand time back at the cabin holding down the fort. Indie's trying to wait for a ground squirrel to come out of hibernation here, so she can feed it her peanut. 

Building a fairy house. 
 The fairies brought her some bubbles, which she decided to adorn their house with. 

It was really too wet and cold to get out much. Especially with little Stellie.  Teeny one was a good sport about it, but when she got a little too cold she'd melt into your chest and bury her rosy face into your chest. 

Needless to say, we didn't get outside too much, but we did make time for the dock!  

She pulled her hat down to protect her face from the wind haha!
 Indie earned these water beads from her bedtime sticker chart.  I didn't believe that the instructions were right so I poured copious amounts into a bowl to be hydrated.  4 enormous bowls later, I realized that the instructions were indeed right and that we were in serious danger of death by water beads. 

We took a short short outing to the creek. Stellie was almost fixed to my chest, she was so melted to me. It was really coldy!

There's something so great about sitting in the same room as a warm fire. The cold may try to creep in from outside, but that only adds to the cozy feeling that surrounds you. 

Indie put on a tea party for grandma Sooz and the mighty hunters.  Indie helped make the treats 

She helped wash dishes

She made everyone an invitation

Arranged all the treats

 Set the table

And entertained the masses. It was pretty cute!

We had lots of laughs and fun times.  Indie held Grandma Soozie captive from sun up to sun down as a play mate. Here are a few random shots from our trip. 

Both girlies were sad to leave their grandparents.  Estelle had a soft spot for Papa Joe this trip. If he was in the room she'd roll and scrunch her way over to him. She loved clawing his face and wiggling all over him. 

Grandma Sooz is always a hit too. I felt bad watching her run all around with Indie.  She never said no to anything Indie wanted to play.

All in all it was a great trip!


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