Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

         Indie's preschool took a field trip today to Swore Farms! It was a cute little pumpkin patch (In case the title didn't tip you off) Indie had a blast!  The weather was absolutely beautiful. Perfect fall weather! 

 They had a corner of land filled with fun 'big toys' for toddlers. Indie ran around, trying to figure out which fun play house she wanted to live in first.  Apparently it was a hard decision because she couldn't stay in any one house longer than a few seconds before jumping ship for greener pastures. 

There was one draw back at the magical play land. It was swarming with wasps. Two kids got stung that I know of, one of them in the eye. So sad!  I had to fight off a few from the girls.  Stupid bugs. 

Indie LOVED the corn maze.  I don't really love corn mazes in general. They make me a little claustrophobic, especially with kids.  I don't like the fact that we could be in the heart of an hour and a half maze when my baby decides to meltdown.   

I tried several times to turn Indie around and sneak back out the entrance of the maze before we were in too deep.  She wouldn't hear of it. It was like with every turn she became more determined to conquer the puzzle. I know because quite literally after every new turn she'd yell out "We got to beat this maze!"

They had a system of questions to help you know which way to go. 15 mins in and we had reached question 8 when we happened upon an emergency exit.  I convinced Indie it was the end of the maze. We all left happy.

Although, I was a little mortified to see that below the sign that read 'emergency exit' there was another sign that read 'keep going, only 68 more questions to go'...we had only made it to question 8, after 15 mins!  That corn maze was not for the faint of heart. Hallelujah for emergency exits! (Lets be real though. It's a corn maze. Any direction is an emergency exit if your motivated enough to plow through some stalks)

We then went to a less threatening hay bale maze. Indie wasn't quite as captivated by this maze, but I loved it! 

I just stood by Stellie and cheered Indie on...and fought off wasps. 

Running out of the maze, Victorious! (She hopped the bales and came back out the entrance)

We took a fun hay ride to the pumpkin patch. It was especially fun because it was wasp free!  Estelle was really social while we were out and about.  She'd pick out a random person and stare at them with a half smile, waiting for them to look back at her. When they noticed her stare, Estelle would beam and start happy screaming.  It was pretty cute. Also, loud. 

Indie stopped at every pumpkin she saw and announced its presence.  

She liked knocking on the big ones.  (Don't mind Stellie, eating the weeds...)

 Indie was smitten with the little baby ones. 

Estelle was a little confused about the pumpkin patch. What's the point of being on the ground if you aren't suppose to eat all the earth. (those cheeks though!) 

Finally we (Indie) found the perfect baby-ish pumpkin!

Estelle checked it over. 

She really wanted to eat the stem. 

Look at her little hedgehog hairs!

Indie's frantically pulling up all the weeds before Estelle can grab them and suck on them. Such a good big sister. Unless you ask Estelle. Then it's basically betrayal

Walking back to the tractor 

 Poor Indie was so tired. Too much excitement!

She was smitten with the trough of baby pumpkins. Baby everything! 

All in all, it was a great outing! We love fall! 


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