Estelle's 10 month update!

I can't believe we just have two months until this little nugget is a whole year old.  Aside from the really hard first few months, where time stood still, this baby has grown up so fast. 

Our little Stellie started off a little sick baby, having colds consistently until she was 4 months old.  She now continues the trend with eczema all over her body and a diaper/yeast rash that has held on for over a month now.  We have a new bath and lotion regimen that seems extreme and excessive but hopefully helps. So far, it has not. 

Estelle will say woof woof by blowing out air. She loves all animals, but especially she loves kitties and doggies.  

(This photo cracks me up. ME-ow!) 

Stellie especially loves stuffed animals. Her favorites are also Indie's favorites, so we have a lot of melt downs over that.  Stellie will talk to, nuzzle, kiss, and hug any stuffed animal she can get.  She loves to bury her face in them and roll around while clenching them to her chubby little tummy. 

Stella has learned how to tell on Indie whenever she feels unhappy. Sometimes Indie's being a bit overbearing and sometimes Indie just has a toy or food Stella wants.  In any case, Stella will close her eyes, throw her head back and let out a loud cry that quickly tapers off. She'll then open her eyes to see if I've come rushing to her aid or not. 

Stella is starting to get really frustrated when we don't do what she wants.  She's pretty easy going most of the time. However, if she has an idea in her head and you don't help her fulfill it, she will cry like you've taken away all happiness. In this world and the next.  She's very hard to console and reset when this happens, unless you guess correctly what she wanted in the first place. Even then, sometimes it's too late. One shot wonder. 

While still complaining over an injustice but almost over it she will pucker her little lips into an 'o' shape. Then do a few half hearted puppy whines. I finally captured it on camera.  Such a classic face for her. 

Estelle loves to hold onto our hands and walk, I'm careful to not start this too often, because once you start you can't stop.  She is never stratified with the amount of time she gets.  If you let go or set her down she cries like you just cut off her legs. Which essentially in regards to walking function, you have.  

Just a few days ago we busted out the 'walker push toy...thing'. Stellie took to it like a duck to water. She was waddling all over the place, so proud.  She hasn't figured out how to turn or maneuver at all. So, when she inevitably runs into a toy, wall, cupboard, or chair she cries out like, she again, has lost her legs.  Once you help straighten her out she'll zoom off. Still lamenting about being stuck.

Stella likes to do Nose-Nose with Damon, which is just an Eskimo kiss. She leans in and smiles so big. 

Stellie went through another big mental leap this month and is acting like more of a toddler than a baby. It's breaking my heart a little bit. We've had to lower her crib because she was walking around the railing and trying to climb out.  

We have a stair climber. Since falling down the flight of stairs she is very cautious on any high surface, which is nice. I was making dinnner, popping my head into the living room every so often. I heard Stellie calling out her 'look at me!' sound. So, I went to find her and couldn't.  I went to the stairs and there she was, 5 stairs up.  holding onto the railing and swaying back and forth. she was so proud.

 One of her favorite hang outs is under Damon's desk, using our printer to help her stand. 

Stellie has always adored her blanket, and continues to do so. We washed it one night because, filthy. She cried and cried and cried, unable to sleep. We scoured the house for a blanket as close to the feel of her blanket and she tolerated that. 

When excited Stella will blow like she's got a bubble wand she's trying to make bubbles with. 

 Stellie loves to breastfeed. She doesn't ask for it much, but when we do nurse she never wants to stop. Ever. She's bit me a handful of times. It's no fun, but it is fun to see her mind trying to comprehend what just happened after I yell out in pain and tell her soothingly to not bite. You can see the wheels turning in her head as she looks from me to the nipple, repeatedly. She'll make chirping noises as if she's trying to make conversation about what just happened.  

Stellie loves pears. It's hands down one of her favorite foods.  She's getting a bit more picky the older she gets, and requiring less food. She has a lot of Annie's mac and cheese mix in with different squashes and enjoys that a lot as well. 

Estelle is such a lover and will lay her head on you at least 10 times a day. It's usually brought on my sleepiness or relief to be saved from Indie. When Estelle is sad because something went wrong with playing, she hates cuddles. For ecample if she got hurt, a toy isn't doing what she wants, or Indie has the toy she wanted...Stella will cry and scream. She won't be soothed by you picking her up and loving her.  She'll fight to get out of your arms and back to her toy. However, she won't reset and play again without you picking her up first. Even though she acts like a cat in water when you try to pick her up. Silly baby.  

Lastly, Estelle is a lover of dance. Even right after waking up, if I come in singing a song to her, she will sit straight up and start dancing her chubby little hands. She loves music.      

Stellie also got her very first top knot this month!  I teared up a little, as with any silly, obscure milestone. 

Happy 10 months!

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