Valentine's Day 2017

It's a bit late, but Valentine's Day shenanigan are here!

Indie Helped me make some heart shaped baby pies. 

 Indie and Stellie were big fans.  Who am I kidding, we all were, they were super yummy. 

Stellie couldn't get enough, she started signing 'more' for the first time after having a little taste of one. 

We made homemade pinatas, which was fun, even though we forgot to break them open.

Valentine's morning!

Stellie was in awe of the balloons. 

I wasn't going to do a photo shoot with Stellie, but then I felt guilty since Indie had one for her first Valentine's. So, in the name of fairness, we threw this together during preschool. It's corny, as all Valentine's things are. 

Love those leggies!

 We went downtown Pocatello before Damon got off work to scout out some spots to take pictures for a family in our ward.  Indie was a good sport in helping me look.

Damon came home and spoiled his 3 girls, we love holidays! Happy (belated) Valentines Day!


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