Easter 2018

We started our Saturday by doing 'Easter egg' hair and listening to General Conference.  It was fun to have Indie semi paying attention while she played.  She'd ask various questions. 

When they announced the new prophet, Indie commented with disgust, 'I don't like him.'  She's never said that about anyone before, so I was a little taken aback.  I asked her why and she simply explained, 'His name isn't very good'.  As I tried to teach her about the role of a prophet and how that applied to our family, I was surprised to feel myself starting to get emotional. I had an overwhelming feeling of love and peace wash over me.  I knew President Nelsen is a prophet of God.  

When it came time to sustain the prophet, Indie wanted to know why.  So we explained it to her.  She thought about it for a moment and replied, 'I don't like him, but I do good for Jesus, so I'll stand.'  By the end of conference she declared she did in fact, now like the prophet.  Haha. 

In between sessions we had an Easter egg hunt.  Grandma Soozie and Papa join came over to watch the girls scavenge.   

Stella got so many eggs she started parking her basket and carting the eggs back to it. Too heavy for her little arms.  It made us think of Halloween when she couldn't lift her candy bag.  She stubbornly dragged it behind her, with much effort. 

Indie had a little help from Papa Joe for the hard to reach ones. 

Their bounty.  We filled their eggs with stickers, googly eyes (our girls love to play with googly eyes in play dough), peanut butter pretzels, Littlest pet shop animals, coins, and a few candies.  We hid special eggs for Indie that had coupons in them.  Coupons for things like: Mom will make your bed, cereal for breakfast, an extra show, stay up late...and so on and so forth.  She's been all about those privileges.  Definitely a hit. 

Stella had Grandma and Grandpa help her open each of her eggs. Then she would immediately want to either eat it or put it away, if it was a toy.  Stella had so much joy with each new egg.  

Indie slowly opened each egg, then carefully placed them into a pile.  Taking stock of what she'd found and planning out how and when she'd play or eat her winnings.  She's so methodical.

Finn boy was a good little spectator.  

  Stella would shove as much candy as possible in her mouth. Juices running, dyes staining. We finally had to cut her off, for fear of choking and or diabetes. 

After the fun of the egg hunt we dyed eggs.  Indie was all about the colors and decorating. Stella liked it for about one egg.  Then she was back outside. 

Easter morning!

We had our classic bunny breakfast, saw what the Easter bunny brought us, and settled in for more conference. 

Indie ran over and asked if I wanted to see her ancient kitty made out of wood. She then knelt down and started stroking the fence. Haha. Weirdy. 

Grumpy Stella

Happy Stella

Prison photo


Finn's a monster baby. How is he so huge?

Playing toys together during the last session of conference. 

Stella helped me set the table for Easter Dinner. We had Grandma and Grandpa over again. The girls were beyond excited to be able to see them two days in a row.

Indie helped me make this cheesecake dessert.  We chose something pastel and rainbow because Indie is all about the colors, always. I knew she'd die over the look of this dessert.  

 We topped them with whipped cream and Easter sprinkles.  I couldn't have one, because it would hurt Finn's tummy, but I think they were a hit. 


We had a great time visiting.  It was a beautiful weekend.  I loved being surrounded by my family, teaching them of Christ and listening to conference.  We are all on a spiritual high over here.

Stella tickling Finn's feet. 

 Secrets with Grandma



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