Pocatello trip

My cousin McKay got married and had an Idaho reception in Pocatello. I decided to drive down with the kids to be able to celebrate & visit with family. 

Lauren came down with her kids too, we rented a couple of hotel rooms together. We had fun killing time with the kids until the reception. 

I was a bit bummed, because there are SO many fun outdoor things to do in Pocatello. I was looking forward to playing with animals, and hikes and walks, and parks. All the things. However, on the way down we hit a small blizzard and although the snow cleared the closer we got to Pocatello, it was still super cold.  Pocatello seems to also always have wind, which added a lot of chill.  Not to mention it causes little Finn & Max to not be able to breath.  Sooooo, no outside adventuring for us. 

Pocatello doesn't have the best track record when it comes to indoor activities. We met up (after a bit of confusion) and played at the mall play place for a while, then went and got some super cheap and yummy ice cream.

Then we rallied together the kids and went to the hotel.  Unpacking our stuff into our rooms proved a bit harder then I anticipated.  Poor Finn and Max were so sad and tired. They just wanted to be held, but instead they had to wait and screamed on the bed while we tried to hurry. 

We calmed the babies and got everyone ready to swim.  Let me tell you six kids four and under for two adults is a handful. Taking those kids swimming is level ten parenting. It was a bit challenging at times, but no one drowned!  

In other news Stella and Cora are the same toddler. 

Sweetie little Max

The babies did pretty good just chilling for a little while.  Finn needed me to constantly be in his eye sight. Apparently he's a water safety extremest.  Due to his diligence I had no opportunity to drown or even swim.  Little lifeguard in the making.  

Stella had never used a life jacket before, but Indie coaxed her into the big pool and together they held hands as Indie encouraged her to swim all around. It was the sweetest thing!

Indie & Stella's first hotel stay!

Poor baby Finn finally got what he wanted. His cozy bed and some rest. 

I have zero picture of the reception because apparently three overtired babies up past their bedtime makes for a very busy Mom.  No time for pictures!  It was a beautiful reception though, and we had fun visiting with everyone.  Thank you to everyone who attempted to help my fussy kids!  The fuss won, but it was a good fight!

Indie and Stella were enchanted by the complimentary breakfast.  As was I. No dishes & no clean up? Yes please!  We packed up our rooms, and went over to the Chubbuck library, The kids had a great time playing, and we got to listen to good ol' baby story time. So fun!

My friend opened up an amazing Soda shop in Pocatello last summer.  We moved before it was finished, so it was fun to go by and see everything. We all got Italian Soda's with cookies.  I broke my 'no dairy' fast and had an Italian soda. It was soooooo good.  Finn didn't appreciate it though; reaffirming the 'no dairy' policy that is now back into strict adherence. I dream of Italian sodas though. One day.... 

All the fun colors.  This makes me want an Italian soda so badly!  

The kids all danced around to the music playing over the shop's speakers. As per usual, the babies were tired and done by the time we finished.  We all went over to my friends house and we all got to visit and catch up for a bit.  So fun. Indie was so excited to see her old friends. Our ride home was happily uneventful.  It was a great little trip!


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