Finn's six month update

Finn's gotten so much stronger, happier & easier. 

Griffin's currently getting over a cold, & ear infection right now. So, we've had a few nights with fevers and a lot less sleep than normal.

Still no teeth or signs of teething as far as I can tell. 

Finn had a huge mental leap early in the month. We put him to bed one night as a teeny baby and he woke up completely different. He was more alert, engaged, held himself differently. Damon and I were both so surprised.  It was the most dramatic 'leveling up' I've ever seen in one of our babies.

Finn has never used his legs to stand.  Our girls loves to stand, and at this age, Indie was walking all over the place while holding onto our fingers. Finn couldn't bare weight on his legs. It was like they were just noodles.  When we were at the Cranial Sacral therapist she showed me some exercises to do with Finn to help 'activate' his muscles and joints.  Afterwards I picked Finn up into a standing position, to show her how he always melted into wet noodle position.  As soon as I stood him up he stood strong and used his legs for the first time.  I was so super shocked, almost to tears. Which is silly and dramatic.  

Finn likes to stand a lot now, and his body, over all, feels so much more engaged and strong. 

When Finn cries his face turns red, especially the skin around his eyebrows. 

When he's frustrated but trying to keep his cool, Finn will talk a lot while blowing raspberries. It's his precursor to crying.

When Finn's angry or wanting attention he'll rhythmically slap his hands on his side in frustration.  He will fake cry for attention, especially if he's wanting some boobs. It's pretty cute.

Finn can sit by himself for a second before plummeting over. He'll sit assisted or propped really well though! And he is doing a great job at holding up his head. We are so excited for that. 

Finn loves silly noises and is by far our most smiley baby.  He loves any bit of attention and will return the favor with big smile

When you hold Finn he loves to look up and double check to see who's holding him.  He's getting some stranger danger awareness. 

Finn is wanting to play with toys more and more.  He loves rattles and chewing the face off his teddy bear. 

Finn loves Damon the most right now. He loves to stroke his bear and always saves the biggest smiles for Daddy.  Finn's ideal set up is being held by me, while Damon is playing with me.  

I tired some dairy for the first time, and it hurt Finn's tummy. So, I went back off.  In the next month or so we will try introducing some foods, and try taking him off reflux meds to see how he does.  Hopefully his tie's won't affect eating, and it'll just be so fun and cute to explore the word of vegetables with Finn.  (because who doesn't love a good vegetable...*cough me*)

Finn has gotten so easy to put down for nights and naps...if you're me and have boobs.  He loves to chew on his swaddle, when its up to his face and wrapped around his teeny fists. 

Finn loves to suck on his bottom lip.  

Griffin loves to try and suck on his fingers while guzzling milk.  He also likes to raise his left hand straight in the air while nursing. weirdo.

We love our little baby! Happy Six months!

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