Stella's 3 year update.

Stella's most common phrase right now is, 'Okay, you make me happy!'

And I feel like that pretty much sums up this adorable chubba-lubba beautiful girl.  There is something so jovial, childlike and indulgent about the way Stella moves.  Her teeny feet pitter-pattering happily all over the place as she races from one activity to another. 

Stella doesn't laugh, she screams in delight. We attempted to help her learn a quieter way to express her delight.  We gave up.  She is who she is, and who she is is literally overflowing with loud, ear piercing delight.  I don't want to squelch any part of her joy.  So, our ears endure and we are embracing her loud.

Stella loves to be found silly.  She loves to make you smile, and she loves to brighten your day.  Nothing fills her cup up more than knowing she's made you happy.  On the flip side of that, she is keenly aware of when you are sad or frustrated, and does her best to make you verbalize it, and then fix it. She makes a great champion because of this, and can often be found in the background gushing over her siblings accomplishments, or worrying about their sorrows.

Stella loves snacks.  She is constantly asking when they will happen, what they will be and, how she can have them faster.  She will ask for more snacks while opening a bit of her first snack.  She will inquire of snack plans during lunch.  Because what else is there to talk about while eating food, if not discussing the hope and chance of more food, immediately following the first food.

Stella loves to play with Indie, but also loves to have moments alone, to play without being bossed down to the very word she's allowed to utter. Stella's very favorite games involve play-doh, and physically running a muck. She loves to quietly play with little figurines, or inanimate objects. But her greatest love right now is curling up in your lap and reading books one on one.  She has an appetite for books that I have never been able to fill. We've always left it on a note of,  'one more, please!'  Whether we've read 2 or 200 books.  

Stella is a ball of sunshine.  She brightens up a room, but can also scorch your face off if you aren't careful.  She is indulgent in life. She indulges in the joy and in the grumps.

Stella is very verbal.  She is quick to express exactly how she is feeling and why.  She can turn into a mindless gnashing animal if we can't understand her or if we can't fix the problem that is making her 'ape out'.  Nothing makes Stella more upset than when she's verbalized something that is negatively affecting her, and then feeling as if her needs are being unmet. ( I mean, who likes that. I feel her here. That's the worst)

 For example, our inability to change the position of the sun, so that it doesn't shine in her eyes, causes many of animal outbursts. She just can't understand why we won't fix that for her and it causes her to slowly die a horrible wailing death. Don't try suggesting she turn around so she's not staring straight into the sun, or putting on sunglasses, or just turning her face... no no. Those wont do. The sun must move. Not her.

Stella does not do well to be left on her own to work out her own emotions. Not unless we are willing to endure a full factory reset with her. Completely cycling the 5 stages of grief which all just happen to be hysterically loosing her mind with no hope of rationalization. Stella needs intervention, and fast if there is a problem.  There is a certain point, that once reached, we can not back peddle and have to just ride out the storm until Stella can re calibrates herself.  Catching her before the meltdown point, and helping her feel heard is key for our little ball of sunshine to stay her amazing jovial self and not become the face melting ball of sunshine she tends to implode into. She can be pretty intense.

Estelle is quick to roar mightily out in anger and pretty slow to forgive.  She likes to stew in her emotions some before moving on. She is fierce in love and in anger, in happy, and sad.

Stella fights with people in her sleep.  She has multiple outbursts and rants, calling out all of our names and telling us off for various things. All while completely unconscious.  Poor Indie, when she has to share a bed with Stella.  Indie will be woken up by Stella mauling her and insisting that she stop doing something, all the while, Stella's completely asleep.

When Stella feels anxious she will put her hands in her mouth. And she's shown some tendencies for anxiety.  It's common that when she gets hurt she will cycle over and over again in the worry that she will forever be hurt, and the pain will never end, and her life is now forever this pain.

Stella hates to be cold.  Like, she goes insane out of her mind EVERY time we take her out of the bath, because she's cold.  Stella also hates going to the bathroom by herself. She hates all vegetables, and hates to be alone.

Stella loves the color pink.  She loves to be called 'Mario & Toad', she loves blueberries, sugar, and peeling hard boiled eggs. She loves to be loved on and told how much she's adored.  She loves the idea of screens but often gets bored before the game or show has finished. Stella adores her little brother, she emulates her sister, she is a Daddy's girl.  She takes pride in helping, and thrives off of positivity.

Stella you are just such a lover.  We love your big presence in our home.  We love how much you enjoys life and thrust yourself into the thick of things.  You are sweet, you are kind, you are unafraid to stand up for yourself. You are so incredibly aware and compassionate. You rejoice in other's happiness and sorrow in their sorrows.  You don't envy and give freely what you have.  We are so incredibly blessed to have you in our home, and hope we can continue supporting and fostering all of the love you bring into this world. We love you, Stella girl.

'okay, you make me happy.'

Photo dump of our baby growing up:


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