Disneyland Day One

I went to Disneyland here and there growing up. When Damon and I went together for his first time (here), I knew we had to bring our babies ASAP.  We planned this years ago. Worth the wait.  If we could go every year, I'd be down. Heck I'm down for a season pass, or just a small apartment off main street. I'm not picky. The magic is next level being able to watch your kids experience all the things. 

Angel face, loved to carry her own backpack, waited well in line, loved to know the plan and tried any ride she could. 

Teeny face surprised us by not caring much about watching Indie going off on 'Big Sister', rides without her.  Stella didn't mind waiting off to the side with Damon or I, and seemed just as happy to be on the floor with her play-doh as she was on a ride. 

Like most toddlers, the merry go round had her heart.

Indie loved Space Mountain the most, she hated the Matterhorn.  Stella loved It's A Small World the most and was game to go on anything we'd let her. 



Since before Thanksgiving Damon's been working two jobs, coming on this trip was especially fun because we haven't had a full day together in a while. So to have over a week?  So good.

Indie low key loosing her mind at the parade. She was so excited.  She was the perfect age to experience all the magic & wonder. 

 Stella enjoyed herself but was still too little to really get it. 



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