Valley of Fire State Park

We had a two day turn around between getting back from our Oregon/Washington trip and leaving for our California trip.  I LOVED it.  I wish all trips could just barrel roll into another trip. 

We drove down in the teeniest car, the kids all squished in the back seat.  We had luggage, snacks, and car toys piled anywhere it would fit.  (and also anywhere it wouldn't fit.) Indie was the real MVP, sitting in between both car seats and constantly entertaining and helping the littles. 

The first leg of our trip we drove around 10 hours. It honestly flew by. Not one tear was shed, we only stopped twice for potty. It was amazing.  We stopped just outside of Vegas that evening at my Aunt and Uncles house.  It was so nice to be able to break up the trip, and so so fun to get to know them a little better.  They spoiled us, and made us feel so loved. We left early in the morning so we could have time to explore Valley of Fire State Park. 

Finn got to drive on Damon's lap, which was a little reckless.  Reckless because the car we were in was all fancy.  It had touch screen, keyless entry, just a button happy car.  Do you know who else is button happy? Griffin.  The kid is obsessed. He may or may not have started and stopped the car a few times.

Finn was also 'walking happy'. Hell hath no fury like a Finner carried. 

Indie girl LOVES adventure.  She is brave and always willing to try new things.  She is learning to trust herself and push her comfort zone.  She's seriously so fun to take places and explore with.  We were up and down all the ridges and I wish in that moment it could have just been a one child trip.  She would have stayed from sun up til sun down, as would I.

Stella tried to keep up with Indie for a few minuets, but lost interest pretty quickly. She's still little and has a lot of (warranted) nervousness with mobility.  She was much happier sitting in the sand and letting the warmth of the day rush over her. 

Taking care of Stellie.

After spending the morning in Valley of Fire we drove into Vegas to say goodbye to our little Finner Winner. (Much to Stella & Indie's dismay.) My Aunt & Uncle from Arizona offered to drive 4 hours, met up with us, take Finn for the week, and let us experience Disneyland with just the 'big' girls. And then, AND THEN, they had the ability  to make us feel as if we were the ones doing them the favor.  We will forever be so so grateful for their kindness and selflessness in not only taking Finn, but loving on him, spoiling him and spoiling us. 

*crazy eyes.


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