Cabin Trip

The kids and I went up to the cabin for a week with grandma & grandpa to bum around and have a blast. 

The mornings were slow and quiet....and early... oh so early. 

Finn Finn saw Papa Joe checking the tire pressure, so naturally Finn stepped up right behind him.  Real quality quality control.

Searching for more rock rocks to throw into the water. 

The girls painted rocks, rushing to the sink to rinse out their tools. 

A day at the lake. 

Sink Bath.

Stella & Finn have such a loving relationship.  She is constantly rushing to his side to tell anyone who dares to approach him, that they had better be careful with him, because 'him MY baby brother!' She'll then keep a watchful eye.  She is there for him anytime he's distressed.  Finn in turn rushes to Stella's aid when she is sad. He will hug and kiss her until she feels better. 

Indie girl, so determined and calm, waiting for a chipmunk to eat the peanut off her boot. 

Indie & Rainbow Sparkle the fish.  

Talking to Daddy.  Finn loves to video chat with the phone by his ears. 

Picnic of treatsies by the fire.

Scoping out the deer.

Juice box club. 

‘Apple sauce in a cup. DRINK. IT. UP!’
While we were at the cabin, I didn’t anticipate the gloomy cold weather we got. After being cooped inside too long the kids were picking and picking at each other.

I teetered between matching their meltdowns with one of my own. But instead I stifled a yell and told the kids to each grab a juice box and meet me upstairs. We sat in the light streaming in from the cloudy day outside. And proceeded to have one of my favorite moments. The juice box club.

The meeting was called to order and each member got the floor to discuss what was on their mind. Stella led.

She wanted to talking about bouncing. Why do we bounce. Are beds or trampolines better for bouncing? What’s the farthest you can bounce? There was much demonstration and enthusiastic hand gestures to drive her point home. We all agreed bouncing was a great way to get to where you’re going.

Indie followed with the important discussion of owies. We took inventory of current owies. Past owies. The biggest owie we’ve each had in our life time. It was a somber moment.

Finn highlighted the importance of blankies. The kids each took a turn showing off their blankie and telling tales of blankie’s heroic acts. Their faces lit up as they each took a turn appreciating their beloved snug bud.

We closed the meeting with sticky juice hands joined in the middle, yelling our motto of nonesense (compliments of Indie and Stella).

‘Apple sauce in a cup. DRINK. IT. UP!’

The best big sisters.

Rainbow Day

Hot Springs


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