Indie's Kindergarten Graduation

Indie girl graduated!We had special mini rainbow waffles topped with sprinkles and EXTRA whipped cream.  The girls were so so so excited all morning while they helped me make their rainbow stacks. 

Look at that sweetie girl, adorable and clever her last day of school. 


Hindsight, the graduation hats were a bit ridiculous.  We couldn't see Indie for any of the program, but she was so stoic and proud as she walked towards Mrs. Hyslop to take her 'diploma'.

Supportive Sister Stella

Finn Finn

Indie finished off the year at a second grade reading level. She loved P.E., computers, music and any classroom job she could snag. Indie hated leaving her kindergarten friends to go to first grade for a half day, and wasn’t a huge fan of always being seated next to the kiddo with stinky breath. 

I have loved being able to walk Indie to the playground for school mornings. She’d give loves to me and the babies and then run off with her friends. It was such a sacred time to connect with her before and after her school day, being able to walk together. 

But most importantly this year, Indie knew who she was and tried her very hardest to do what was right, to include others, & to work hard. She took great pride in doing her best and was so proud of the fact that she never once was in trouble. Indie was eager to learn and any teacher who knew her would pull me aside and brag about what a great example and help she was for the rest of the class.


Post Ceremony Party.  It is ridiculously hard to get the girls to do a dance party with me.  We finally found a song that had Indie rocking out without a care.  It was so so fun. 

We love you Indie girl and are so happy and grateful that your first school experiences have been so positive.


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