California Adventure & Last Disney Day

I have no idea how this never got  posted. But, better late than never. From April...ops.

California Adventure:

We went on the swinging Ferris wheel, and non of us were quite prepared for how swingy it would be. The first time it rolled on down the bars Stella looked like she was at deaths door, and Indie went sheet white and very still.  After a moment we all busted up laughing and enjoyed the rest of the ride, although I think we all agreed, non swinging would be better next time. 

Our last day at Disneyland.  I got the girls all dressed up early at 5:00 am so we could enter magic morning in style. Indie about lost her mind with excitement.  

Stella's hair turned out a bit more like corn rows than princess-y.  haha ops. 

Indie was freezing but terrified of ruining her hair, so it took a bit of convincing to get her to put on her sweater.  We heard a lot of passive aggressive comments from fellow parents in line about her being coat less. (eye roll).

I try not to tell the kids to pose or smile when I take pictures.  Which makes for some real gems like this.  haha!

When I grow up, I want to be Indie.


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