Indie's first Oregon trip!

 Indie's first plane ride was happily uneventful. She slept through the whole thing!  Even though it was just an hour and a half flight I packed enough snacks and toys to keep her entertained for a three day journey.  So, that was a bit crowded down by my feet. Lauren's little Phillip did so great too, such a happy boy!

Saying hi to Grandpa David just outside of the gate. They were buddies from the start. Grandpa always gets big smiles from Indie bug. 

Oh this is just the pack mule on it's way outside of the airport...

The first night we were there Phillip and Indie had a cousin bath, in the which, Phillip pooped twice. It was highly entertaining for Lauren and I who could not stop laughing as we struggled to clean up the poop. 

This is our first full day of Oregon adventure. We are getting ready for a long day out!

Walking to the Tillamook Cheese factory

Indie got a baby baby cone sample.  The ice cream promptly fell out on the cone and onto the floor.  

Grandpa to the rescue, gave her the rest of his little sample cone. (disclaimer...that is not grandpa in the background..)

Indie had the biggest meltdown of her little life here.  Too tired and too many people to walk her where she wanted to walk was just a little too much for her heart. 

Good thing Tillamook gives away lots of little cheese samples that snapped her right out of the meltdown and into just ridiculously fussy. 

 We Loaf Tillamook!

Lunch on the grass

Then off to the coast. We are getting dressed for a windy cold beach adventure.

She wasn't too sure of the water at first, wouldn't even put her feet down, but by the end she was in love!  Squealing and running all over trying to go deeper and deeper. I was sad it wasn't warmer.  Would have just let her go all in and have a blast.  Too coldy though!  So, we went back to the sand to explore with cousin Phillip. 

We had a blast!  Super sad Damon couldn't come but it was so great!  Also, I just had to put this picture of Phillip and Lauren up. It was too good!

 Indie and I were a tad bit tired from our fun day, but she was so happy to see Grandpa!

We went Swimming at Grandma Laura's gym and, of course, had a blast!

We grabbed some lunch at Pita Pit-YUM!

Indie of course found out that she could walk by pushing around the chairs. she was in heaven. 

We went into Portland and hit up Title Wave. Which I'll admit, I wasn't the most excited for, but I ended up absolutely loving.  It's a used book store, but all the books come from the library and the prices are amazing! I got four baby board books for a buck! Phillip was so tired!!

Trying to keep Indie happy

We had a lot of fun outside after the book store.  Indie discovered this little truck and of course, since she could walk with it, it was her favorite. She would put her blanket in the back walk, take her blanket out then put it back in and walk some more. 

We decided to see what Indie would do with a little Phillip, She tolerated it for a little bit, then found Lauren's shoe, picked it up, and whacked him in the back of the head with it.  Lauren and I died laughing. Obviously Indie wasn't trying to hurt him, and it didn't really hurt him...but man, don't mess with her walking toys.

Speaking of don't mess with her toys....I never realized how possessive little bug is, until this trip. If Phillip so much as touched her blanket, her mom, a toy, a toy she might like, she completely lost it.  As wonderfully displayed in this picture where Phillip is playing with her giraffe bink.

THURSDAY: The babies loved spending time with Grandpa in the mornings. In this case, they were helping him do the computer...stuff...

We also went to the Hillsboro's fair and, you guessed it, had a blast! (almost as much as a blast as that gentleman on the bench...)

She stuck her whole finger up the horse's nostril haha, Sorry Mr. Horse!

Loving us some goats!


Indie's first Balloon! She loved it!

She also loved Lizie's balloon...and Phillips. She naturally felt she needed to have and personally hold all of the balloons. Preferably in her stroller basket, where she stores all her treasures.

Got her stroller, her blanket and her balloon, that is one happy baby!

FRIDAY: We had an awesome play date with Wendy, Josie, and Issac.   So fun. Josie and Indie are only a month or two apart, sad we don't live closer, or they would be best of buds!

Phillip was trying to push the push toy, but forgot to walk. Haha!

After our play date we hit up Cheesecake Factory (mmmm my favorite!) and the mall. 

SATURDAY: We went to the Stake's 24th of July celebration. Indie was very busy, moving the polls of the canopy's.

She tried her first bit of cotton candy. Not a fan. She just kept pulling at all the fluff.  She was a little frustrated that someone covered a perfectly good stick with all that fluff. 

The flight back home. Both babies were so great and so tired.  It was a great trip! We love you Grandpa & Grandma & Oregon! 


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