Trip to the cabin!

            Damon and I got to spend some great time up at his family cabin for the fourth. It was especially exciting for Damon because he was able to bask in the nostalgia of his own childhood and bring little first born Indie to the cabin for her first time. It was great for all to have a break from day to day life, see family, and escape to the mountains. 

        Indie was spoiled rotten by Grandma and Grandpa. (as were Damon and I, got lots of much needed alone time)

             Indie loved playing the game of 'Where's grandma...THERE SHE IS!'  And had lots of big smiles anytime she saw Grandpa Joe. Although, I will admit, Grandpa's Elk dance did traumatize her just a little bit. 

We did a lots of fishing & boating: 

Indie loved watching the fish whiplash around after we caught them.  She'd giggle and squeal at them. Our little animal enthusiast. 

Indie loved the the boat. She thought the wake was hilarious. She didn't seem too bothered by the smothering life jacket either... Although it did make it a bit hard for her to get her stub arms into her snacks. 

Indie helping catch all the fish! 

The Critters!

Indie ADORES animals. She just about squealed and screamed herself horse at the cabin.  Saying hi to all the deer, elk, ground squirrels, birds and fish.

There were some sharing issues when it came to actually feeding the critters.  We quickly learned that sometimes, when your little, you just have to eat the peanut shells instead of sharing.  We did have to put our foot down when it came to eating the critter poop however. Which, as you can see, created great sadness. 

We spent lots of mornings peering out of this window and trying to control our high pitched happiness from waking up the whole cabin.   (When I say we I really mean just one of us, bet you can't guess who...)  The excitement got to the point that when we started walking Indie towards a window she'd start squealing with delight...even if there were no animals to be found when we got to the window. Just the known potential of critters was enough. 

Animal patrol on the fourth of July. 

Animal patrol in the early morning hours

Animal patrol while visiting with family

Animal patrol at snack time

Warm Lake: 

This was right before walking up to the beach and I just adore this picture!  That man! So handsome! That baby so precious!  (I mean just look at her cheeks) I'm one lucky woman!

Mrs. Warm Lake basking in the sun, using Aunt Michelle's hat. 

Tired Beach Baby

Indie was very concerned shortly after this picture was taken and I did an epic flop off the rope swing. 

Cold water didn't bother her one bit.  She's so anxious to walk by herself though.  She gets a little frustrated by Damon and my lack of mind reading skills in helping her get where she wants. 


Indie got her first motorcycle ride. Which she loved, however she did enjoy it a lot more if instead of sitting, she could plank across my legs...strange bug. 

Damon and I got a lot of great alone time on the bikes.  MY FAVORITE! shout out to Joe and Susan for helping make that happen! Super appreciate it. 

Such a HUNK!

Up at power line


Around the Cabin:

Since the forest is growing back at about the same size as Indie is, We are going to try and take a picture of her at this tree every time we go up, so we can see them grow together. 

Playing with Grandma Bertie's toes

First watermelon 

First Cabin bath, Playing peek-a-boo with Dad.


Going home

Indie had her very first kids meal and I was obsessed with how little and cute the fry box was!

Apple juice and Apple slices

Loving the car ride. She did amazing! 8 hour trip? NBD


  1. Seriously, Indie is the most adorable baby ever.

  2. What a fun trip! You got some adorable photos there! Love the one with Indie in the back of the pickup with the fishing gear. Enter it into the fair...maybe!?


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