Cabin Trip

           We decided to snag our one and only Hadfield summer cabin trip this last week.  Damon was able to sneak it in between finishing his internship at SLC's AgReserves and starting his new job at Provo Power! The stars had to align a bit to get us up to the cabin, but we are sure glad they did.  We miss the cabin and the Hadfield clan! 
          Damon's first official day at Provo Power was today and we are both beyond excited for a steady job & all the experience this career has to offer! We are still learning about all of the benefits and perks, and everything the job entails. (I'm especially excited for Damon's schedule of 4 10's! Bring on the eternal 3 day weekends!) 
           Anyways, back to the cabin trip! Indie and I picked up Damon from his internship Tuesday evening and started the 8 hour drive up to Idaho & the cabin. Indie was a rock star in the car! She read her books and obsessed over her sticker book.  She thought all the car snacks were amazing and was genuinely a delight. Here is her first selfie. (footie?)  She took about a million just like this. Magical.

    We didn't arrive at the cabin until about midnight (Indie had some choppy sleep on the way up and would wake up long enough to request I sing a song from Dumbo, before passing out again. Too cute!)  As soon as we got out of the car and saw Papa Joe & Gma Soozie Indie was as happy as could be. She wanted Gma to snug her and Papa Joe to play. 

Sitting in Papa Joe's chair with his glasses. 

Indie liked being inside the cabin a lot more than Damon or I had anticipated. She was thrilled by the fun designs and the stairs, but especially the little kid loft.  She just thought that was the coolest thing.  She liked to be Papa Joe's shadow and always wanted to know where he was and what he was doing. Here she is helping him hose down the motorcycle.  He took her on her first motorcycle ride of the season. 

Indie's 'happy face.'  She'd been asking to ride Papa Joe's boat for a few weeks now. So, we made sure we fit it in on the first day.  She did great with the life jacket!  Meaning she just accepted that she had to be in a straight jacket for the boat ride and had stiff fun anyways. 

Indie hated the 'wind' when we would go fast & insisted on having her hat on. Indie loved having Gma Soozie wrapped around her finger. She was always wanting to drag Sooz around to come and play with her. We are super lucky to have such a great Grandma that loves to and tolerates toddler play almost all day, every day. 

 Driving, and Papa Joe's buddy. 

          Indie and Daddy on a motorcycle ride.  One of my favorite things. It always brings back memories of the first time I met Damon's family and our early dating days.  Damon & I were able to sneak in a lot of great long motorcycle rides this trip with Susan & Joe's help.  It's always a treat! 

     Indie and Damon filled up all the chipmunk, bird & squirl food every morning. Those tiny critters down this stuff!   Indie would wait patiently for Damon to tell her it was her turn to pour the seed mix. She felt so big. 

Always the perch of the tiny grand kids. Indie felt SOOOO big sitting up here. 

Evening fishing (Indie got a random rash on her face and neck)  She was so excited to see the fish!  She gave one a big old kiss & tried to muster up the courage to pet one, but ended up a little too afraid of their crazy flipping around. 

 Counting up all the fishies!

Down to the creek!  

Too cold!!!

  Getting some rocks to throw with Gma Soozie.  Indie had to have her shoes on!

 Papa Joe made this little chair for the Grand kids.  Indie sure liked it!

Fed up with our shenanigans 

Indie loved going on as many motorcycle rides as she could!

Gma Soozie & Papa Joe worked really hard to help tame some of the golden mantles (squirrels that look like chipmunks) so Indie could feed them, & feed them she did!!  By the end of the trip it was old news. She sure got a kick out of it at first though! Just about any time the little critters would eat the peanuts Indie would say 'oh, thank you!'

Morning fill up!

Falling trees for fire wood.  Damon did a great job, so manly and handsome! Indie loved watching the trees fall down.  She would bring up this event multiple times every day...  'Daddy tree fall down!?'  it made a big impression. 
 Watching from the bed of the truck. 

Eating spaghetti (aka baby noodles) and watching all the critters. 

Rough housing with Papa Joe.

Hammock time!  Indie loved to rock Damon in this while Gma Soozie sang 'rock-a-bye baby'

Fishing round two!  Indie insisted that her baby elephant was sad and needed quiet, to be rocked and to be kissed.  Gma Soozie was very accommodating, shes a great nurturer to little granddaughters and baby elephants!

 Mikey's 16" brook trout!

 Baby elephant driving the boat! Indie would sneak over to the wheel while we were all busy netting fish and drive.  

Exploring the finer things of the cabin....

Indie was SO extremely excited when her cousins came up to join her.  She lost all interest in everything and anyone besides these two little cousins, Mia & Isla.  They were so sweet and kind to her.  Indie was in heaven!

We tried to go for one last boat ride, but the rain just wouldn't let up. The kids all had a blast throwing rocks into the water and running around anyways.  So much fun on a rainy dock!

Indie said goodbye to the family in a bit of a daze.  It wasn't until we started driving away from the cabin that she almost started bawling.  She kept saying 'All done bye bye, Indie back a cabin, Indie friends! Indie Gma Sooz y Papa Joe! all done bye bye!"
She said the same things when we finally pulled into our house in American Fork. She was not happy to leave such a fun vacation. She misses all of her Hadfield family! 


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