Train to the Temple!

        Indie is going through an obsessive phase with trains. A few weeks back we wanted to take her to the Zoo on the Trax, but the ride was long and there was a lot of bus hopping.  So, instead last Saturday we took her to Temple square on the Trax. It was a pretty straight shot, even though it was a little over an hour both ways.   Indie just about died of happiness on the 'train.'

(Indie watched Damon & I put on our belts and demanded one as well)

She sat like this almost the whole ride there, fox had to look out the window as well. We sang songs and pointed out all the things that passed outside.  We passed quite a few 'real' trains as we chugged along.  When that happened Indie nearly hyperventilated.  She'd point out the window and yell 'Train!' then point to her seat and yell 'Train!' and so it went. 'TRAIN, train TRain train...' until we passed it. 

 We rode to the front doorstep of where Damon works ( his internship.)  Indie was very sad to no longer be on the train. An hour and 15 mins wasn't long enough apparently.  Damon works in a beautiful building,  His view is amazing, right outside his office window is the temple.  Indie got a 'fun drink' and some nuts. Then off to temple square and this classic photo op. 

She stopped and asked to sit on this curb. Sat for a few second and took in the temple. Too cute. 

On top of the conference center.  Damon had never been! Indie of course loved the water. 

Some little girls gave Indie a penny to throw in and she immediately regretted throwing it. I don't know if she realized the finality. Her treasure, lost!!!

 Indie liked the big statue of Jesus, We talked about his sacrifice and the holes in his hands and feet. She listened and said, 'mmm-hmm' like it was old news. 

The ride home! She snugged for a few minutes, then was back to her hyper happy self. Train rides are the best!  She was devastated when it was time to get off. Only consoled when we told her the train needed to go 'night night.'


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