Indie's Second Birthday Party!

Happy Second Birthday Indie!

We did a theme of Pretty & Pink for the decor, but mostly it was all just toddler fun. We had lots of finger foods and Indie's favorite snacks (Indie had two chocolate covered marshmallows and LOTS of popcorn before the party had even started).  We were lucky enough to be able to have the party at Indie's Great Grandparent's house again this year. 

This picture made me think of a mini shrine/ what you would see at a wake...awkward. 

Indie was absolutely in heaven when we set up all the outside toys, which was good.  It gave Damon, Ian & I some time to set up the food toddlerless. 

Indie's cheese face, she was waiting for guests.  She calls it her 'happy face.' Indie started doing this face after I showed her how to draw a simple smiley face. I had run out of shapes to draw, cirlce, square, smiley face...that falls right in that category right?  She loves the Happy face! 

This one is a little more genuine.  So excited!

 She's getting ready to blow out her candles.  She was a little nervous while every one sang happy birthday. This week, whenever I'd try to sing it to her, she'd tell me 'all done sing happy bir-you.' So I was happy she didn't melt down and tell everyone to stop. 

The candles were just a bit too tall for her tiny breath to reach. It was adorable though, watching her machine gun bursts of breath trying their very best to get that flame out. Thank goodness for Dad's help!  Hyperventilating is never fun, not even on your birthday. 

 Opening gifts was so fun. She had a lot of tiny friend helpers and loved seeing all the cool stuff she got. I love that at one point all the kids decided they wanted to wear the party hats. They were so cute in them. 

Outside time was the best!  The shade was slowly disappearing which made it a little more than hot, but the kids loved it.  

The pool was a hit, we should have thought to bring swim diapers for everyone. It was suppose to be a rubber duck pond.  But what kid wants to just catch a rubber duck when you can swim and splash?!

Indie's favorite part was going around the yard and finding all the other kids shoes.  She'd but them on then test them up and down the stairs.  She's a shoe monster. I only have myself to blame...

 ...Retreating shade...

Damon & I trying to unscrew the fifty different screws in Indies new bubble machine. 

All in all I think the party was a huge success. We had so many great friends and family come. Indie had the time of her life.  I wish we could have had half a dozen ride on toys for the cement slab, but other than that, it was pretty much perfect!
More 'happy face!' 
 Post party clean up is always beast!  Well worth it for this tiny one.  I love seeing her so happy. (shout out to Lauren & Ian for all their help.  Also, Damon was a rock star loading everything back into our car in the stupid heat!

Indie had a great time with the balloons on the way home.  We couldn't see her half the time, hiding behind that giant 2. 

We went and got Indie's big present after nap time.  Cozy Coup! (OR 'Indie's red tar' as it was more commonly referred to tonight.)  She was so unbelievably excited. Indie paced and jabbered while Damon put it together. Saying things like 'daddy work hard,' 'Good job Daddy,' 'Indie in?' 'Indie drive now?' She would bring Damon snacks and hugs, she also hugged and kissed the Car's eyes. We took it to the school next door when it was all set up.  She was too unbelievably cute and happy about her 'red tar,'  great end to a great day!

Happy second birthday!!! 
See her first birthday party here! (because if you made it this far into the post...why not?)


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