Indie says goodbye to binks

          The purging of the binks happened this weekend. It was probably overdue. Potty training kinda just happened first, so I wanted her to have a solid handle on that transition before we took away binks. Indie only used binks at nap and night time but she was very attached (and as every mother knows, messing with anything sleep related is nerve racking!)  So, we tried to make it a special day and big event.  

         We told Indie that she was a big big girl now (something she is quick to remind us of, lest we forget and call her 'baby') We explained that binks are for babies and that since Indie is such a big and kindhearted girl that we were going to mail off her binks to all the new little babies to share.  Indie was very still, and wide eyed while I explained all this.  She visibly let out a breath of relief when I added that after we put her binks in the mailbox we would be going to the store so she could pick out a special 'big girl toy' that she could sleep with.  She exclaimed. 'Yay!  That will help make me happy!'

          So, Damon helped her round up the binks and took her to the mailbox to say goodbye. Indie had to say goodbye to each by noting its color.  Then we were off to the mall.  Indie picked out a Build-A-Bear. 

She loved giving it an air bath. 

          She picked out a pink tutu for it, because: 'Just like dance class!' and named it Mama Bear. Now here's a bit of an embarrassing point, because I know sometimes we indulge and spoil this tiny thing.  We left the Build-A-Bear store and got pulled right into the Disney store next door.  Indie became infatuated with a little pink dog carrier that had a tiny Lady & The Tramp dog in it.  She loved on it and then was fine leaving it and going on with our day. Damon was really wanting to get that for her too, she was so sweet with it. So we asked her if she wanted to take that one home too. She was elated. 'THANK YOU DADDY!' were her first words. 

           We all sat at the little table together for lunch, to Indie's delight.  She was in heaven. 

          Her first ice cream cone while out to eat.  Her mind was blown when Damon told her she could eat the cone. 

She loved pulling her little dog carrier all around. 

             We then went to the Provo Temple open house,  It was absolutely beautiful.  It's hard to appreciate the beauty and spirit while trying to keep a toddler happy and quiet so not to disrupt everyone around you. We had some precious moments though. Indie was very still and listened to me trying to explain baptism and the connection to the sacrament to her while we looked through the glass into the baptismal font.  I doubt she understood anything, but she was trying and nodding like she did.  

         We had a few times when we started going places we ought not to, not on purpose!  For example we accidentally ended up in the room with baptismal font, which was not part of the tour.  Indie was a little devastated that we were not all getting in the water. Ops. 

It was a great special day for Indie.  She loved leaving the temple and seeing the water fountain.  

What a little ham.  Love her!  So far she's only asked for binks once. Other than that, it's been a smooth transition. Thank goodness!


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